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Creative Copy Interrupted and Revisited
You know life is crazy when months go by without my visit to my favorite word prompt site, Creative Copy Challenge. Check that. It's been almost a...
Awakening the Frightened Child
We all experience events that forever etch into the fabric of our souls. Sadly, for me those events were shrouded in violence. I remember sitting in...
2016 3-Day Walk Contributors Rock in Record Time
The 3-Day Walk contributors are predictable – in a good way. No, make that a great way. Since 2003, when I first started asking for contributions...
Springtime, Any Time for Creative Copy Challenge
I'm back from sunny San Diego (and I do mean sunny). I took Mom there for her 92nd birthday. Other than one day when San Diego had record-breaking heat, the trip was quite cool. So I come back to the first day of Spring and it's time to catch up on my favorite...
Creative Copy Challenge Time
I remember as a child singing along with the Howdy Doody song. I feel like we should create a song for the word prompt site, Creative Copy Challenge. ♫It's C-C-C time. See how I write now. I write words with no rhyme. It's simply C-C-C time.♫ Okay, maybe not. Instead,...
February-ending Creative Copy Challenge
How can February be almost over? Didn't we just pop the cork on New Year's? Some things you can count on. Time moves on And it's always time for Creative Copy Challenge The word prompt site threw down the gauntlet in this February-ending submission. The challenge...
It Ain’t Cancer
Penny holds a special place in my heart. My first Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk (as it was known in those days) was one I thought I'd do alone. That was in 2003. A friend who was supposed to walk the 60 miles with me had broken her ankle. I started Day 1 on my...
Pictorial Proof of 3-Day Walk for the Cure
Who knew that walking 60 miles in 3 days would get easier? Wait. Did I say that? The girl who used to drag her feet at signing up for another year? Yep, that was me. Now, I am already signed up for 2014. Cannot Walk Away I cannot believe 2013 marked the 10th...
Another 60 Miles Under the Feet
This is one time the event lived up to the hype. My Fight Like A Girl teammates and I celebrated the 10-year anniversary of our team's participation in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk for the Cure. We had a 10-year reunion in beautiful Lake Tahoe 6 of 14 team members...
The Old Lady Biz Store
The Old Lady Biz store celebrates and pokes fun at the joys and frustrations of reading, writing, and walking. Check out t-shirts, laptop cases, mugs, and a bunch of products you can print on – all designed to make you smile.
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