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A Slow Follow-up to 3-Day Walk
My annual 3-Day, 60-Mile Walk knows two speeds - fleeting and gone. The time leading up to my departure to my beloved former home in San Diego is...
Thanksgiving 2024: Still Thankful
2024 was a challenging year in so many ways. But I prefer to focus on the positive. To focus on hope. After all, I am a self-professed Pollyanna....
Google Has Happy Fitbit Users Screaming
Don't you hate when you are perfectly happy with a product and the next thing you know, the company changes it? Sure, some people struggle with...
The Freelancer Pricing Guide I Wish I Had
For my non-freelancing readers, pardon my departure into the freelancer world. Then again, if you have been thinking about joining that world, read on. I first met Jake Poinier online, like most of my freelancing chums, but he was going by a different name – Dr....
The Business Writing Book I Wish I Wrote
There is a reason Lynn Gaertner-Johnston's blog pops up in the #1 Google spot when you type business writing. She's good. Lynn is the founder of Syntax Training It's a company that offers business writing courses for managers and employees Lynn also...
Book Review: Marketing 365
I confess - Lori Widmer is an online writing buddy. That is the extent of my affiliation to Lori's new e-book, Marketing 365: Daily Strategies for Entrepreneurs and Small Business. Well that, and the fact that I bought it as soon as it hit the virtual...
Thanksgiving 2024: Still Thankful
2024 was a challenging year in so many ways. But I prefer to focus on the positive. To focus on hope. After all, I am a self-professed Pollyanna. 😉 With credit to my friend, Anne Wayman, who started this tradition of a Thanksgiving list, it's time again for thanks....
Google Has Happy Fitbit Users Screaming
Don't you hate when you are perfectly happy with a product and the next thing you know, the company changes it? Sure, some people struggle with change. I attempt to embrace it. But, like numerous longtime Fitbit users, I was not happy with recent changes made by...
Has the AI Horse Already Escaped the Barn?
Did you watch Oprah Winfrey's special, AI and the Future of Us? If you're like me, you don't entirely trust artificial intelligence (AI) nor do you completely reject it as a tool. Oprah interviewed key players in the AI movement including Open AI CEO, Sam Altman,...
2023 3-Day Walk: Triumph and Tumbles
The 2023 3-Day Walk marked the 20th anniversary of my first meeting with the wonderful ladies who would become my teammates. We did not "officially" become a team until we had a few Walks under our feet. On our 10th anniversary, we changed our name to the Pink Tahoe...
The Other C Word Intrudes Post-3-Day
My 19th 3-Day, 60-Mile Walk for the Cure was fabulous. Until that other C word entered the picture. No not cancer (the worst C word ever!) but COVID. Mom and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. By Friday, I thought I had the start of a cold. When Mom started exhibiting...
2022 3-Day Walk Must be Near
Like cooler temperatures signal Fall is lurking, a new post here is the sign the next 3-Day Walk is approaching. As I write this, that little 60-mile stroll is only 70 days away. This will be Walk #19 for this Old Lady Walking. 2022 3-Day Walk San Diego 3-Day This...
The Old Lady Biz Store
The Old Lady Biz store celebrates and pokes fun at the joys and frustrations of reading, writing, and walking. Check out t-shirts, laptop cases, mugs, and a bunch of products you can print on – all designed to make you smile.
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