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Our Obsession With “Real” Words
Words are as simple and complex as human beings. Like humans, words change. Sometimes into unrecognizable forms. That makes words endlessly...
Creative Copy Challenge Tetrad
Introducing a tetrad of Creative Copy Challenge goodies. Check out #389 and #390. Trying to stump us by upping the game. Bring it! CCC is a word...
The Dad We Remember
For all that is annoying about Facebook, I do love the connection with family and friends. I love the feel-good videos and the laugh-out-loud...
Silencing the Voices
The voices stream endlessly as we struggle through our day. It is a wonder we are able to think or sleep through the constant chatter. What if we could silence the voices? Would we want to? Silencing the Voices: A Stroke of Insight Recently, I read an article about...
The Hunt for Customer Service
Do you know the one factor that makes the difference in customer service? No, it's not ~ the fastest delivery the best product or the best deal All of those are great, but the difference is one elusive element. The human touch. Customer Service Made Simple Think about...
A New Appreciation of Valentine’s Day
I have never been a huge fan of Valentine's Day. Too commercial Too often single Too little of a sweet tooth There was one Valentine's Day that spoke of love as it was meant to be. Whispered Promises Valentine's Day was on a Wednesday in 2007. The days leading up to...
First Snow of the Season Unites Snow and Beach Bunnies
It's been an abysmal start to the ski season in Idaho. 6 resorts are opened 1 is partially opened 2 resorts are temporarily closed 3 are closed Hopefully, that is about to change - at least in Boise. It's snowing...and...snowing... Let it Snow Our local ski...
Who Knew the Typical Tourist Was From Idaho?
I lived blocks from the Pacific Ocean for over 25 years. Every winter my friends and I would laugh at the Typical Tourist. Running along the shore barefoot Wearing a t-shirt and shorts Or worse - a bathing suit as they dove into the frigid water And there we were -...
3-Day Walk Shows You Are Not Alone
You might think after eight 3-Day Walks for the Cure, there would be little that is new. In some ways, that's true. The San Diego community is still unbelievably supportive My Fight Like A Girl team still rocks There's always a lesson learned This year's theme...
The Old Lady Biz Store
The Old Lady Biz store celebrates and pokes fun at the joys and frustrations of reading, writing, and walking. Check out t-shirts, laptop cases, mugs, and a bunch of products you can print on – all designed to make you smile.
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