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Creative Copy Challenge Gauntlet Thrown
This week's challenge from word prompt site, Creative Copy Challenge, is a gauntlet of a different type. I love the journey through these words. I...
Creative Copy Challenge Serves Up Chocolate-Covered Memories
One of the experiences I love best about Creative Copy Challenge is I never know where the words will take me. The word prompt site has a weekly...
3-Day Contributors Wow Once Again
All I can say is - wow. After 11 3-Day Walks under my feet, you'd think I would be used to the generosity of my contributors. Yet every year, I am...
The Lunacy of Labels
We all do it - slap labels on people and personalities. We even label ourselves. I have several. Middle child of 7 Pollyanna Boomer brain Perhaps we need a sense of identity. A sense of belonging. Some labels are fun, a little poke at ourselves. I enjoy my...
Dark Fun at Creative Copy Challenge
I'm not sure what it is about Creative Copy Challenge (CCC) that brings out the dark side of my creative writing. It's a good thing it stays there. If you don't know, CCC is a word prompt site that helps keep the creative juices flowing. I love it. The following is my...
A Father’s Influence
Douglas M. MillerMay 2, 1919 - February 15, 2007 Today my dad would have been 94 years old. Dad passed away in 2007, but I feel his presence every day. I shared in my eulogy to Dad some of the things I loved about him. With the blessing of my dad's blue eyes, I see so...
San Francisco 3 Day’s Great Warm-up for San Diego
I spent the weekend of September 9th cheering on my Fight Like A Girl teammates who participated in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day, 60 Mile Walk for the Cure. A couple of the crazy ladies are doing the San Diego 3-Day Walk with me in November - in addition to the San...
3-Day Walk for the Cure: Training Tribulations & Triumphs
Training for my 8th 3-Day Walk for the Cure has been going well. But, today, I am taking a day off. Work calls A sleep-deprived body snores And it's already 70 degrees at 6:30 in the morning In the past, I've shared what it's like training to walk 60 miles in 3 days....
3-Day Fight Like A Girl Team Logo Crushes Cancer
I drafted myself as captain of my team's Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk for the Cure in San Diego. Hey, someone has to do it. It's my 8th year as a participant and I am thrilled to join my Fight Like A Girl teammates once more. This year, some of the ladies are...
The Old Lady Biz Store
The Old Lady Biz store celebrates and pokes fun at the joys and frustrations of reading, writing, and walking. Check out t-shirts, laptop cases, mugs, and a bunch of products you can print on – all designed to make you smile.
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