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A Dozen Years of the 3-Day Walk
In 2015, the Susan G. Komen Walk for the Cure celebrates 12 years of sponsoring the 3-Day, 60-Mile Walk. The organization started in 2003, and so...
February-ending Creative Copy Challenge
How can February be almost over? Didn't we just pop the cork on New Year's? Some things you can count on. Time moves on And it's always time for...
Creative Copy Challenge Time
Yep, it's that time again. A leap into Creative Copy Challenge, the word prompt site, and this week's set of words. I love how I never know where...
Why Do We Stink at Communication?
We have endless choices. Phones - smart and otherwise Email - often more than one account Social media - with tweets, posts, connections, pins, and more Face-to-face - remember that one? For all our choices, we stink at communications. Why is that? You're Late...
50 Thanksgiving Gifts for This Boomer
My good writing friend, Anne Wayman, inspired this annual Thanksgiving post. As we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the United States, I am sharing what I am most thankful for this year. My Thanksgiving Blessings My Mom - and her continued good health as she...
Guest Post: Freelancers Finding Serenity
Freelancing is a different world. Those of us who are freelancers have various reasons why we do what we do. I know I would be lost without my network of freelance writer buds - like my good friend, Lori Widmer. When I sent a request for guest posts while I'm out...
Today’s Friday Lite – a 60-Mile Walk
Originally posted at Simply stated business I can’t believe it’s finally here – the Susan G. Komen 3-Day, 60 Mile Walk for Breast Cancer. You are probably wondering how a sane person is actually excited about walking 60 miles. San Diego Event Everyone knows San Diego...
Pink Glove Dance Goes Coast to Coast
Originally posted at Simply stated businessOctober is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Last month I shared the fun Pink Glove Dance video created by Providence St. Vincent Medical Center in Portland, Oregon for breast cancer awareness. Well, there's a new Pink Glove...
Pink Glove Dance
Originally posted at Simply stated business It's Friday so let's have some Pink Glove Dance Friday fun. It has been a busy, tough week of work. I hope you don't mind if I depart from my business blog for a bit of fun. Fun and My Favorite Cause Okay, I know October is...
The Old Lady Biz Store
The Old Lady Biz store celebrates and pokes fun at the joys and frustrations of reading, writing, and walking. Check out t-shirts, laptop cases, mugs, and a bunch of products you can print on – all designed to make you smile.
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