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50 Thanksgiving Gifts I Am Grateful For

I am borrowing this idea from my good writing friend, Anne Wayman. As we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the United States, I am sharing what I am most thankful for this year. My Thanksgiving Blessings My Mom - and her continued good health at age 88 My family - huge...

Do Your Goals Need a Gut-Check

Do you ever feel that you are not doing enough? No matter how much you try, there is always someone who is doing it – Better Faster More often When did their goals become yours? Do you really know what it is you want? Your Gut-Check Goal There are endless...

More Project Runway Life Lessons

Last year I wrote a guest post for my writer buddy, Lori Widmer, Mondo Life Lessons from Project Runway. Although I am not a fan of "Reality TV," I do appreciate those that showcase creativity. But, every once in a while, you get something more than a cool-looking...

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The Old Lady Biz store celebrates and pokes fun at the joys and frustrations of reading, writing, and walking. Check out t-shirts, laptop cases, mugs, and a bunch of products you can print on – all designed to make you smile.

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