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Another 60 Miles Under the Feet
This is one time the event lived up to the hype. My Fight Like A Girl teammates and I celebrated the 10-year anniversary of our team's participation...
A Decade of Miles
When this posts, my Fight Like A Girl teammates and I will be on Day One of our next 60-mile, 3-Day journey. We celebrate our 10th anniversary as a...
The Freelancer Pricing Guide I Wish I Had
For my non-freelancing readers, pardon my departure into the freelancer world. Then again, if you have been thinking about joining that world, read...
Shifting Priorities is Hot
A post over at writer buddy, Jenn Mattern's site, had me thinking about one I've been kicking around. Ever notice how shifting priorities changes what once seemed insurmountable? As many of you know, I am training for my 8th Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk for the Cure. I...
3 Not So Stupid Dog Tricks for Online Marketers
My Mom and I are dog-sitting my sister's family dog while they are on vacation. Her name is Kali, and just look at that adorable face. Who could resist her? Apparently, not me Online marketers and business owners could learn a lot from Kali. Not So Stupid Try as I...
Do You Loathe Gender-based Business Training?
I spent over 30 years in Corporate America - 20 of those in management. I loathed gender-based business training. Organizational Skills for Women Anger Management for Women Management Skills for Women At the time, my thoughts were – What, only women need...
The Old Lady Biz Store
The Old Lady Biz store celebrates and pokes fun at the joys and frustrations of reading, writing, and walking. Check out t-shirts, laptop cases, mugs, and a bunch of products you can print on – all designed to make you smile.
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