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Pandemic Style 3-Day Walk is History
Wouldn't it be nice if we could say the pandemic is history? Is that too much of a dream? We have all had to make major adjustments in our lives....
3-Day Nation and Why We Walk 60 Miles
You know the 3-Day Walk must be near if you see another post here. But this year has a twist called the 3-Day Nation. What's that? I'm glad you...
Thankful – Yes, Even in 2020
I found it shocking that my “annual” Thankful post for the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday went MIA after 2017. I know I have plenty to be thankful for....
Creative Copy Interrupted and Revisited
You know life is crazy when months go by without my visit to my favorite word prompt site, Creative Copy Challenge. Check that. It's been almost a year. How did that happen? Like muscles groaning from a long stretch after inactivity, I tackled the latest challenge....
Awakening the Frightened Child
We all experience events that forever etch into the fabric of our souls. Sadly, for me those events were shrouded in violence. I remember sitting in my sixth grade class, tears rolling down my face. It was one week before my twelfth birthday. Our school's principal...
In Memory of Robin Miller
This is dedicated to my sister-in-law, Robin Miller. This was originally posted on August 28, 2011, two days after her passing. Today on August 26, 2016, it has been five years since Robin left this earth. Her family and friends still remember her laugh, her love, and...
2015 3-Day Walk: From Sizzling to Freezing
The 2015 3-Day Walk for the Cure is under the feet and the 12th since I first strapped on my walking shoes. Mother Nature sure likes to play with this Old Lady Walking. 2015 was the hottest Walk my teammates and I walked in. With temperatures in the low 80s and the...
Idaho Statesman Pink Edition Tradition
Funny thing about the fight against breast cancer. You participate in what you think will be a single event and then – BAM. You're hooked. That's how the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk for the Cure started. I signed up for what I thought would be my only 3-Day, 60-Mile...
Falling Into 3-Day, 60-Mile Weather
I have always loved Fall. The artist's splash of color The crisp, clean air Halloween Yep, I love Halloween. But another reason I love Fall is it signals I'm getting close to my next 3-Day Walk for the Cure. Sounds nuts, doesn't it? Someone who actually gets excited...
The Old Lady Biz Store
The Old Lady Biz store celebrates and pokes fun at the joys and frustrations of reading, writing, and walking. Check out t-shirts, laptop cases, mugs, and a bunch of products you can print on – all designed to make you smile.
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