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Creative Copy Catch-up
Too much work and too little time has kept me away from my beloved writing prompt site, Creative Copy Challenge. So, it's Creative Copy Catch-up...
3-Day Walk Team Adjustments Taken in Stride
My 11th 3-Day Walk for the Cure is fast approaching. I always get antsy as we near the date for the Walk. Primarily because I am so anxious to see...
Creative Copy for the Holiday Weekend
Okay, U.S. buddies, a little light reading for the Labor Day holiday weekend. It's my latest submissions to my favorite writing prompt site,...
Remembering a True Southern Gentleman
For those who follow my blogs, you know I like to share what I call my Dad's southernisms. They are those unique sayings that deliver a message in a way you understand, but always leave you smiling. And that's a good way to describe my Dad. He loved you in a...
What Do You Make Time For?
Some call it work-life balance. Others simply call it priorities. Whatever your term, there are fundamental moments we should grab as our own. What do you make time for? What makes you smile? What do you miss when you don't have it? What defines your happiness? Here...
Who Knew Customer Service Was Another DIY Task?
It seems to be the new kind of customer service. Click on the Help tab Search for your answer Click No this was not helpful Then you're left hanging with no answers Welcome to today's customer service. Our DIY World We live in a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) world. Furniture...
The Old Lady Biz Store
The Old Lady Biz store celebrates and pokes fun at the joys and frustrations of reading, writing, and walking. Check out t-shirts, laptop cases, mugs, and a bunch of products you can print on – all designed to make you smile.
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