Do you know what’s my best tradition from the 60-mile, 3-Day Walk?
Wearing the names of those we lost to cancer, the survivors, and the fighters. It puts each step in perspective.
It’s why we walk 60 miles in 3 days.
Do you know one of the tougher tasks about the 60-mile, 3-Day Walk? Walking 60 miles? Nah.
It’s finding a way to wear those names without continuously tugging, grabbing, and adjusting the vehicle used to share those precious names.
3-Day Cape and Captain Caboose
I’ve tried multiple ways to honor those affected by cancer. Last year, I wore a customized scarf. Sounded like a good plan; however, it was too heavy. It dragged down my hat, tugged on my neck, and generally became a nuisance. As if walking 60 miles doesn’t create its own issues.
Volunteers at the 2016 Walk gave away hand-sewn I AM MORE THAN PINK capes (like the one in the picture – sans names).
- Had the 3-Day cape come to my rescue?
- Was this a lightweight answer to wearing names?
- My list has grown considerably over 14 Walks
It took me quite some time to write all the names. The great news is there are more survivors than those we lost. My final verdict?
- The cape was lightweight
- Most of the time I forgot about it
- The only downside was the rain caused some names to blur (despite using permanent (?) fabric markers)
The bonus of the cape was I felt like a super-hero. Because I am typically the last one up those San Diego hills and our team’s captain, I referred to myself as Captain Caboose. See how heroic I look in my cape!
Another 3-Day Under the Feet
My Pink Tahoe teammates and I have another 3-Day Walk under our feet. 2018 will be our 15th anniversary!
We could not do this without the generous support of family, friends, contributors, the 3-Day coaches, crew, and volunteers, and the fabulously supportive San Diego community. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Below are a few scenes from the 2017 Walk. See you next year!
Walk on.
Cathy, walking is your super power I think… especially with a cape!
I need to clue in my feet to that feat. 😀
Thanks, Hannah! 🙂
Captain Caboose… I love it!!
Congratulations to you and all the walkers.
Thanks, Kim. Amazing what that cape inspired. 🙂