The Positive Pursuit

The pursuit of all things positive is strewn with obstacles. The current political environment Daily life frustrations (like lousy customer service, stressed-out family and friends) Compounded by a history of bad experiences Even the most committed Pollyanna-types...

Do You Judge Too Quickly?

We all judge. At times, it seems we cannot help ourselves. On social media, itโ€™s an international sport. But what if we tried to stop? Think about it. We judge even the most inconsequential elements of life. The clothes people wear Their hair, weight, or the skin they...

Goals are the Light of Promise

With each new year, personal and business goals pepper social media posts. No matter how barren the closing year may have been, goals are the light of promise for the new year. There’s something about getting goals down on paper (or screen) that turns the...

Thanksgiving 2024: Still Thankful

2024 was a challenging year in so many ways. But I prefer to focus on the positive. To focus on hope. After all, I am a self-professed Pollyanna. ๐Ÿ˜‰ With credit to my friend, Anne Wayman, who started this tradition of a Thanksgiving list, it’s time again for...

Google Has Happy Fitbit Users Screaming

Don’t you hate when you are perfectly happy with a product and the next thing you know, the company changes it? Sure, some people struggle with change. I attempt to embrace it. But, like numerous longtime Fitbit users, I was not happy with recent changes made by...

Has the AI Horse Already Escaped the Barn?

Did you watch Oprah Winfrey’s special, AI and the Future of Us? If you’re like me, you don’t entirely trust artificial intelligence (AI) nor do you completely reject it as a tool. Oprah interviewed key players in the AI movement including Open AI...