Fast and Furious Creative Copy Challenge

This blog would suffer for a lack of updates if not for Creative Copy Challenge. My favorite word prompt site always makes me smile. The latest challenge words are shown in bold. Challenge #501 What did he hope to achieve? Her family was not rich. She was nothing...

Creative Copy Spiral in a Child’s Life

What would my personal blog do without Creative Copy Challenge? The word prompt site fills the large gap between posts. It is always a pleasure to return to the challenge of words that lead who knows where. Below is my latest submission. The challenge words are in...

Creative Copy Challenge With Training Wheels

What the heck is Creative Copy Challenge with training wheels? For me, it’s those challenges where you have to pull out the dictionary to figure out what the heck the words mean. The first challenge (#483) had an Easter flavor. Okay, got it. But the most current...

Creative Copy Blooming Again

Like the tulips struggling to bloom, my creative writing chops visit a favorite spot – Creative Copy Challenge. I have been missing from the writing prompt site since last winter. That is much too long for another word challenge. Below is my submission. The challenge...

Creative Copy Postulates Another Challenge

I never understand why I wander away from Creative Copy Challenge. My favorite word prompt site brings me such simple joy. From the Creative Copy Challenge words to the brilliance of people like Mitchell Allen (who never misses a Challenge). Even his dead domain in...

Creative Copy Interrupted and Revisited

You know life is crazy when months go by without my visit to my favorite word prompt site, Creative Copy Challenge. Check that. It’s been almost a year. How did that happen? Like muscles groaning from a long stretch after inactivity, I tackled the latest...