3 Not So Stupid Dog Tricks for Online Marketers

by | Jun 30, 2011 | Miller Musings | 17 comments

My Mom and I are dog-sitting my sister’s family dog while they are on vacation.

Her name is Kali, and just look at that adorable face.

  • Who could resist her?
  • Apparently, not me

Online marketers and business owners could learn a lot from Kali.

Not So Stupid

Try as I might to focus on work, Kali is a master (or should I say mistress) of distraction.

Trick #1 – Offer Gifts

I’ll be typing away when suddenly a soggy pet toy is deposited in my lap. And not just any toy – but, the one I gave Kali when she first arrived.

Of course, it’s a ploy to get me to play with her, but Kali knows when to give up. She hopes I’ll come out and play, but she’ll trot off if I don’t.

So, what lessons could online marketers learn?

  • Give gifts to entice your prospects and customers
  • Show you appreciate what they do for you
  • Don’t expect reciprocity
  • But, be thankful if you receive it

Trick #2 – Be Pleasant, But Persistent

Kali doesn’t give up easily, but she has it down to a fine art on how not to cross the line to annoying.

  • She sits patiently at my chairside
  • She hits me with those soulful eyes

Okay, so I don’t suggest making eyes at your prospects or clients, but there are still lessons.

  • Don’t give up too easily
  • Stay positive – no matter what the response
  • Don’t confuse persistence with stalking

Trick #3 – Keep Your Options Open

When Kali has tried all her best tricks, she knows how to go to Plan B – my Mom.

  • She jumps up into Mom’s lap
  • She uses the same tricks on Mom
  • But, she still checks in on me

Online marketers and business owners learn –

  • Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
  • Search for other options and markets
  • Follow up regularly on leads

And Kali’s visit teaches me a few things, too.

  • Take time to enjoy the simple things in life
  • There is great joy in unconditional love
  • I really have to get back to work

Where do you find sweet distractions?




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  1. Cathy

    It’s never worked for me, Sherrie, but maybe it will for you πŸ™‚ Thanks for stopping by! Kali loves the attention!

  2. Nicky Parry

    Hehe! Love this, Cathy – so very true!

  3. Cathy

    Hi Nicky: Thanks for stopping by and the RT. You gotta lover her, huh? πŸ™‚

  4. Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.

    And, beware… if you annoy the dog, she will go and hide and leave you a present that you will have to find and clean up.
    Just like if you annoy your clients/customers!

    • Cathy

      LOL, Roy! πŸ˜€ Definitely not the kind of gift you want. πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing another trick.

  5. Sherrie Koretke

    Adorable tie in with business tips. Loved it.

    I was about to practice my soulful eyes to attract more clients but I guess you’re saying it won’t work for humans. Maybe that’s a good thing . . . πŸ˜‰

    • Cathy Miller

      It’s never worked for me, Sherrie, but maybe it will for you πŸ™‚ Thanks for stopping by! Kali loves the attention!

  6. Dana Susan Beasley

    This was really sweet and to the point! As a dog owner, I really appreciated the wit, humor, and truthfulness of this post! Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. Cathy

    Hi Dana: Thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Every time we dog-sit we say we are going to get another dog. I love them, too!

  8. Ryan Biddulph

    Clever tips Cathy πŸ˜‰

    I learn some of my best business lessons from animals. Our pets, or animals in general, don’t carry all the limiting beliefs, self conscious tendencies and general negative energies that people do. They simply do what they do, knowing what they want and going after it on a consistent basis. REALLY consistent basis.

    How many online marketers give up before even trying to spread the word about their opp, or after a few tries? Animals are hard-wired to persist. In many cases, it’s life or death, and since our pets have been domesticated they bring the same absolute approach to anything they want, whether it’s affection, play, whatever.

    Thanks for sharing your insight Cathy.


    • Cathy

      Thanks for stopping by and the insightful comment, Ryan. It’s like children until they lose that innocence. They have many great lessons to teach us…hmm…an idea for another post? πŸ™‚

      Thanks again, Ryan.

  9. Kim Lemon

    Of all your posts Cathy, this has to be my favorite. And Kali is adorable. Thanks for brightening the day for all us dog lovers! πŸ™‚

    • Cathy

      Thanks, Kim. Kali brings out the best in me. πŸ™‚

      Have a safe and happy 4th, my friend.

  10. Diana Samalot

    Kali is adorable. Who could not learn from a being so adorable? I agree with you, we have so much to learn from our furry friends, and not just our pets, who, of course, are closest to us. Persistence and perseverance, and my favorite lesson from our little friends “unconditional love”
    Thanks for a great post! πŸ™‚

    • Cathy

      Thanks, Diana, for sharing your favorite lesson and Kali thanks you for the nice words, too. πŸ™‚

  11. Lynette Patterson

    Your story reminded me of one of my cats! She knows exactly what she wants and isn’t afraid to ask for it. If she wants to be petted, she sticks her head into your hand until her wish is fulfilled. When she is finished, she walks away. No games. No guesswork required. If only we humans had the courage to do the same… directly ask for what we want!!

    Thanks for a great post!

    • Cathy

      Hi Lynette: Aren’t pets great? My Mom and I have been talking about getting one. I’m sure we will have to get Kali’s seal of approval. πŸ™‚ Thanks for stopping by and sharing your story, Lynette.


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