I am borrowing this idea from my good writing friend, Anne Wayman.
As we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the United States, I am sharing what I am most thankful for this year.
My Thanksgiving Blessings
- My Mom – and her continued good health at age 88
- My family – huge as it is – I love each and every one of you
- My friends – those I’ve known forever and those I have yet to meet in person – got to love social media for opening the world to some really great people I now count as friends.
- My Fight Like A Girl teammates – these 3-Day, 60 Mile Walkers for the Cure have enriched my life beyond description.
- 3-Day Walk for the Cure workers and volunteers – they make every event a seamless journey of joy.
- My clients – you have made my dream a reality and I am very grateful for your continuing business.
- My health – I am in the best shape I’ve been in a long while and this boomer body appreciates that.
- The Blogging Mastermind Comment Tribe – what a generous, supportive group of bloggers. I am blessed to be a part of such a great group.
- My non-American friends – thank you for putting up with our holidays and opening our minds to worlds beyond the U.S.
- My readers – you help me avoid talking to myself – a dialog is so much more interesting than a monologue. 🙂
- When technology works – I am grateful for each day without a single technology problem.
- Software geniuses – thank you for making life so much easier (mostly) – remind me of this when the next techie issue invades.
- Optimism – no matter what, optimism sees me through to the other side.
- My faith – it’s like a warm embrace that is silent, but always there for the taking.
- My sense of humor – even when it’s probably not appropriate, I appreciate it’s always lurking.
- My own bed – after being gone for 10 days, there is nothing like sleeping in your own bed.
- Warm socks – since moving to Idaho and walking through monsoons, I have a greater appreciation of warm, dry socks.
- My Blackberry – even though I exchanged it, it was there when things didn’t work out and still works after I dropped it in a San Diego puddle.
- Kali – my sister’s adorable miniature white schnauzer she lets us borrow when they go on vacation.
- My office view – from gorgeous sunrises to the changing of the seasons, it’s always a great view.
- Sports – although my favorite teams do not always pull through, I am thankful for someone to shout at and cheer for.
- Books – I am most thankful for this favorite form of entertainment that takes us from reality to fantasy through the talented words of writers.
- Halloween – I always appreciate this American holiday that allows the child inside to live on and on.
- Animals – love those on my training route and all the species of birds that visit our backyard.
- Music – from the soothing strings I play while working to that old time rock-n-roll, I love how it moves the soul.
- Project Runway – although I hate the backstage drama, I love the creativity and the inspiration it provides.
- The Food Network – creativity is not limited to Project Runway and food without calories is almost as good as the real thing.
- Spam filters – thank you for not forcing me to throw my computer across the room as yet another spammer attacks.
- Maui – a beautiful paradise that always brings peace.
- My Snoopy collection – from my Joe Cool to all my stuffed Snoopy adventurers, they always bring a smile.
- Neat junk – my sister, Terry’s term for knick-knacks or whatever you want to call the silly stuff we love.
- Southernisms – all the classic sayings my Dad left for us to enjoy.
- Southwest – love a staff with humor and a ticket without baggage fees.
- Water – I love to drink it, heat it up for hot showers, and soak my achy body.
- Flowers – colorful, blooming and diverse sweet-smelling flowers brighten anyone’s mood.
- Saturday morning breakfast – egg white omelette with spinach, mushrooms and chicken and Mom-made biscuits -yum.
- Christmas with children – the holidays are always better with young children around – this year, my 3-year-old grand-niece, Sunniva, arrives with her Mom and Nana.
- Comforters – nothing better on a cold night
- Lamps to read by – I am thankful for well-lit rooms – hate rooms that are so dark you need books in Braille.
- Headsets – especially those that drown out background noise
- Smiling faces – dare you not to smile back
- Remembering the punch line – I love it when the story all comes together and the boomer brain allows the punch line to shine.
- Pens – perhaps they’re tools of the trade, but I’ve always loved pens with all different colored ink.
- People who say thanks – and mean it – so simple and so well-received.
- The smell of clean sheets – makes you just want to wrap yourself to sleep.
- Shared laughter – it multiplies the fun.
- Feeling loved – it’s a feeling everyone needs in their life.
- Photos that capture a moment – or a cherished thought or loved one
- An ending that catches me off guard – I don’t like to figure out who done it until the author tells me
- Happy memories – of which I have many of.
My list could go on and on.
I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving. And for my non-American friends, please share our thanks for all that is right in this world.
An amazing list! Love all that there is to be Thankful for this time of year and all year long!!
Hi Dani-nice to see you here and love that your tribe hit #8 on the list. Thanks for initiating a group that has been a joy to get to know. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi Cathy, I can appreciate a lot of the same things on your list. Now you can add me to #10 because I just became a new reader. Enjoy your holiday and thanks for the wonderful post.
Hi Ileane-I am always happy to add to my blessings. Thanks for stopping by. You enjoy your holiday as well and I look forward to getting to know more about you.
Thanks again.
As I was building my list this year, and putting you on it, I brought up your site to find you’ve given me credit for the idea… it actually belongs to Rev. Guy Williams, but aside from that, let’s push this meme a bit… it’s a good one and you’ve got some things on your list I forgot to name, like my bed and comforters!
Love it, hugs, etc.
Thanks, Anne-credit duly noted. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving, my friend!
Lovely list, Cathy! Hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving. I’m home now, I had a non-Thanksgiving kind of vacation in Montreal!
Hi Nicky-thanks. I love Montreal. Hope you had a great time. Glad to see you back. 🙂