3 Day for the Cure: I Hope You Dance

by | Jun 22, 2011 | 3-Day 60-Mile Walk | 6 comments

Just a quick update on my training for the the 3-Day for the Cure for Breast Cancer.

Up until today (when it is supposed to get into the 90s), the weather has been perfect for walking. I made a few adjustments to my time for walking – early morning for hotter days – but, otherwise, it’s been great.

Here’s a quick visual on my progress.

60 Theme is Riding High

I love that the 60 theme has taken off without me even asking.

I turn 60 the week after the Walk in San Diego in November. I adopted the 60 miles for 60 years theme.

Well, my contributors have done me one better. Several have donated $60 for 60 miles for 60 years – love it!

Thanks to all my contributors – you rock!

  • Aaron Davis
  • Carol McCaffery
  • Dianne & Steve Wingfield
  • Harriet Bell
  • Jenn Mattern
  • Joe & Elaine Conway
  • Kevin Miller
  • Kim Lemon
  • Laura Wiggins
  • Linda Barney
  • Preddis Sullivan
  • Suzanne Whitlock

They have me off to a great start. I have to raise a minimum of $2,300 to walk and have $1,360 left to go.

If you would like to contribute to this great cause, click here, or on the the donate button in the sidebar.

I Hope You Dance

It’s difficult to explain in words what makes this event draw you in year after year.

They say pictures are worth 1,000 words, so I thought I would share some of these favorites from the 2010 San Diego Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure Walk.

Along the route, my teammates and I came along this scene outside an assisted living home – our very own senior citizen cheerleaders.


When my teammate, Penny, gave the head cheerleader a hug, she whispered in Penny’s ear that she wished she could dance with one of the bicycle cops who volunteer every year for the Walk.


Well, of course, we had to help with that wish. We told one of the bicycle cops of her wish and he was more than happy to grant it.


  • Look at the sheer joy on her face
  • All from one simple act of kindness
  • This is why we walk

I hope you dance.





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  1. Kim Lemon

    Way to go Cathy!! Hope the temperature cools a bit.

    • Cathy

      Thanks, Kim. Right now we are having a huge thunderstorm with lightening. Strange weather. Supposed to cool down into high 70s-low 80s-that I can take! 🙂

  2. Shane Arthur

    I’m not gonna’ tear up … I’m not gonna’ tear up!
    Too late.

  3. Cathy

    I always knew you were an ol’ softie, Shane. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by. Don’t you just love our cheerleader? 🙂

  4. Lori

    I’d do it for that reason alone. What a wonderful bunch of cheerleaders. 🙂

  5. Cathy

    Thanks, Lori. Isn’t she simply beautiful? I appreciate the support!


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