Remember the 3-day – Apparently I Need a Reminder
Well, color my face the color of this scroll. The plan was to post about my training for the 3-Day, 60-Mile Walk for Breast Cancer at least once a month. It’s been 81 days-oops!
I didn’t want to bombard supporters with posts, but I think even you would agree I’ve fallen down – but I can get up!
You’re Not in Kansas Anymore
My first post had to do with 5 Things I Forgot About Training for the 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk . Well, this time, I thought I’d share what I learned about training for the 3-Day in Boise, Idaho. It’s much different from my 6 years of training in San Diego.
- Weather-Weather-Weather – Did I mention the weather? Have you ever noticed when you move somewhere how everyone tells you that “this is really unusual weather for this time of the year”? I really am not so egotistical to think I have anything to do with it, but come on – training here. I would prefer not to deal with hail on multiple days, continuous rain, and even snow in May. Okay, it didn’t stay on the ground, but it’s the principle of the thing. And yesterday we had a tornado warning!
- Animal Kingdom– My last post included a video of some of my cheering section. It has expanded beyond the horses and geese. I have been cheered on by ducks, doves, quail, goats and more horses and geese. They eye me as I walk by with a “what are you doing out here” quizzical look. When the weather gets crazed, I ask myself the same thing. In San Diego, I trained near the beach, so I saw sea gulls, but I didn’t have such a variety of fine, feathered friends. I definitely did not run (or walk) into four-legged friends, beyond cats and dogs.
- Garage Sales – Okay, it’s not that San Diego did not have garage sales, but I swear it’s a religion in Boise. On many a weekend training walk, I encountered signs for Garage Sales. Let me tell you, you better not get in the path of a garage sale shopper. Those are some serious fanatics. Since a good part of my training route does not have sidewalks, I’m taking my life in my hands when I near a sale. On one walk, there were 5 garage sales on one block! It sure got the cardio going – and that’s from dodging shoppers – not hills!
- Apparel Shift– This follows closely with #1. Did I mention the ever-changing weather? The thing is, the morning can start with pouring rain and then the sun comes out and it’s in the 70s. So, I race to grab my training togs and head out for my walk. A block from home, the only thing I’m racing for is cover, as I start getting pelted by hail – really! Now how do you plan for hail? Carry a football helmet? Hmm, wonder if they come in pink. I’ll have to talk to the Shop 3-Day.
- Race for the Cure – This has nothing to do with my training, but I wanted to give a shout-out to the Boise Race for the Cure . They had nearly 16,000 participants and raised (so far) over $365,000! Way to go, Boise! I have to be sure to participate next year.
Thanks to my Contributors for supporting me in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure. I really appreciate it.
I have a long way to go in raising the minimum I need to walk. So, please help if you can. Donate here – or – click on the button in the sidebar. If you get the 3-Day Home Page by mistake, you can search by participant – Cathy Miller-Fight Like A Girl team in San Diego.
You can also donate at my business writing blog, Simply stated business or my health care blog, Simply stated health care.
Well, now comes the begging part. Since leaving Corporate America to freelance as a writer, I’ve lost some of my big corporate sponsors. That means the amount of donations are lower, so I just need more contributors. Didn’t know I was so good in math, huh?
You can also send me a check made out to: Susan G. Komen 3 Day for the Cure. I swear that gets longer every year. You can send it to me and I’ll get it mailed to the right place. Let me know if you need my address.
As always, thank you for your support. Remember to send me the name(s) of loved ones you would liked remembered on the Walk as survivors or those you lost.
Thanks again to my Contributors!