Google Has Happy Fitbit Users Screaming

Don’t you hate when you are perfectly happy with a product and the next thing you know, the company changes it? Sure, some people struggle with change. I attempt to embrace it. But, like numerous longtime Fitbit users, I was not happy with recent changes made by...

Has the AI Horse Already Escaped the Barn?

Did you watch Oprah Winfrey’s special, AI and the Future of Us? If you’re like me, you don’t entirely trust artificial intelligence (AI) nor do you completely reject it as a tool. Oprah interviewed key players in the AI movement including Open AI...

Old Lady Walking Closer to 60 Miles

Penny & Me at 2023 San Diego 3-Day Every year, this Old Lady Walking adds challenges to walking 60 miles. Old age or just life? Maybe both. But I am getting excited to strap on my MBT sandals and walk in my 21st anniversary of the 3-Day, 60-Mile Walk for the Cure....

Teaching an Old Lady New Tricks

This old lady believes every day is an opportunity to learn something new. However, some things we’d rather not know. While others are endlessly fascinating. Then there are those times that overwhelm. Lord knows I have had more than a few of those times with my...

Hello Hope, My Old Friend

Hello, Hope, my old friend. You have been missed. I’ve had sleepless nights, searching for you behind closed doors. Doors closed by hate, by cruelty, and a world I do not recognize. When despair did all it could to bring us down, you were there. Waiting. Never...