When Statistics Don’t Matter

We rationalize life events with the odds stacked on our side. Most people do this The majority do that Chances are, I’m right When I received the dreaded call-back on the heels of my mammogram, I knew the odds. Statistics were on my side. Only 8% to 10% of...

Re-hooked by Creative Copy Challenge

Throughout this site (in the Creative Writing category), you will find referrals to Creative Copy Challenge (CCC). My love affair with this word prompts site, breathes life into my writing when I need a new perspective. The following is my latest entry to CCC....

Creative Copy Challenge Still Rocks

I have been away from Creative Copy Challenge (CCC) much longer than I would like. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the site, it is a great place to get your creative mojo on. CCC is a writing prompt for the creative soul inside us all. Twice a week, pro and...

Why Is It So Hard to Simply Connect?

We have smartphones that surf And apps to remind We have forms to fill out And chat lines to help We tweet, we post, we pin our best And for all of that, we cannot connect Our calls get tangled in phone tree sap Our emails are bounced in Do Not Reply We wallow in a Do...

Why Do We Stink at Communication?

We have endless choices. Phones – smart and otherwise Email – often more than one account Social media – with tweets, posts, connections, pins, and more Face-to-faceĀ – remember that one? For all our choices, we stink at communications. Why is...