Another 60 Miles Under My Feet

What a fabulous 2012 San Diego 3-Day Walk for the Cure! No blisters, no injuries* Outstanding San Diego weather And $6 million raised for breast cancer research * no injuries during the Walk – just bruises from Spa Day – my masseuse left bruises...

50 Thanksgiving Gifts for This Boomer

My good writing friend, Anne Wayman, inspired this annual Thanksgiving post. As we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the United States, I am sharing what I am most thankful for this year. My Thanksgiving Blessings My Mom – and her continued good health as...

Guest Post: Freelancers Finding Serenity

Freelancing is a different world. Those of us who are freelancers have various reasons why we do what we do. I know I would be lost without my network of freelance writer buds – like my good friend, Lori Widmer. When I sent a request for guest posts while...

List-Building of a 3-Day Kind

Mention list-building in the online world and email marketing comes to mind. I had a major list-building of a different kind – the 3-Day Walk for the Cure kind. And, boy, it sure is long. Day-Tripping I remember the days when I packed the morning of a trip. I...