Recognition Lost: A Holiday Birthday Story

  One of my cousins has his birthday on Christmas Eve. At first glance, that might sound like a cool thing. But, consider this – His birthday gets lost in the holiday rush He often receives one present for both days I don’t want you to think he’s the...

Who Knew the Typical Tourist Was From Idaho?

I lived blocks from the Pacific Ocean for over 25 years. Every winter my friends and I would laugh at the Typical Tourist. Running along the shore barefoot Wearing a t-shirt and shorts Or worse – a bathing suit as they dove into the frigid water And there we...

Christmas Decorating: Finding the Ho-Ho-Ho

  ‘Twas the weekend of Christmas decorating for all through the house From inside and outside, without any spouse The boxes were carried from here to there I lost count of the trips, I did not care. ****** The room soon exploded with paper and such Made me...

3-Day Walk Shows You Are Not Alone

  You might think after eight 3-Day Walks for the Cure, there would be little that is new. In some ways, that’s true. The San Diego community is still unbelievably supportive My Fight Like A Girl team still rocks There’s always a lesson learned This...

50 Thanksgiving Gifts I Am Grateful For

I am borrowing this idea from my good writing friend, Anne Wayman. As we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the United States, I am sharing what I am most thankful for this year. My Thanksgiving Blessings My Mom – and her continued good health at age 88 My family...