by Cathy Miller | Jul 10, 2010 | Creative Writing
From Creative Copy Challenge #55 “Don’t take that tone with me. I’m serious, this is no joke. Under no circumstance, are you going to satisfy your morbid curiosity by making a copy of that sick, perverted photograph.” “But, Mooooom, how am I ever going to be a pro...
by Cathy Miller | Jun 5, 2010 | 3-Day 60-Mile Walk
Originally posted on Remember the 3-day – Apparently I Need a Reminder Well, color my face the color of this scroll. The plan was to post about my training for the 3-Day, 60-Mile Walk for Breast Cancer at least once a month. It’s been...
by Cathy Miller | Mar 27, 2010 | Creative Writing
From Creative Copy Challenge #26 The morning burst of gold brings pleasure with its, “Here I am,” revelry. With the carefree innocence of a child, it skips across the open field, erupting into sixteen points of life. Stretching along a staircase of hope, it loosely...
by Cathy Miller | Mar 6, 2010 | 3-Day 60-Mile Walk
Previously posted at I have a few weeks under my belt-or maybe under my feet would be more appropriate. The biggest challenge has been the weather. My training for the past 6 Walks took place in San Diego. The biggest news was my 1st year when air...
by Cathy Miller | Feb 28, 2010 | 3-Day 60-Mile Walk
Previously posted at Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure I’m thrilled to announce I signed up for my 7th 3-Day Walk for the fight against breast cancer. I’m back with my team,Fight Like A Girl. I can’t wait to do the Walk again. I...