A Pink Dusting Off of Why 60 Miles

With 129 days until my 19th 3-Day, 60-Mile Walk, it’s time to dust off the Pink blog. Although with the latest Boise temperatures, it’s probably more red than pink. Can you spell sweltering? Catch-up Time Pink Fundraising If you do not know already, my...

Pandemic Style 3-Day Walk is History

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could say the pandemic is history? Is that too much of a dream? We have all had to make major adjustments in our lives. The Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk is no exception. After a pandemic pause that had me walking virtually, I was able to...

3-Day Nation and Why We Walk 60 Miles

You know the 3-Day Walk must be near if you see another post here. But this year has a twist called the 3-Day Nation. What’s that? I’m glad you asked. 🙂 3-Day Nation As regular followers know, I participate every year in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day, 60-Mile...

Thankful – Yes, Even in 2020

I found it shocking that my “annual” Thankful post for the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday went MIA after 2017. I know I have plenty to be thankful for. Even in 2020. So, let’s update this puppy. Thankful Thief I borrowed (?) this annual tradition from my good friend and...

60 in 6 Virtual Walk is Under the Feet

A virtual walk (or run) has become the pandemic norm. Since 2003, I have participated in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day, 60-Mile Walk. However, like most events in 2020, this year’s walk was cancelled. So, what can you do? Take it to your local streets. Virtual Walk...