by Cathy Miller | Sep 22, 2016 | Miller Musings
We all experience events that forever etch into the fabric of our souls. Sadly, for me those events were shrouded in violence. I remember sitting in my sixth grade class, tears rolling down my face. It was one week before my twelfth birthday. Our school’s...
by Cathy Miller | Sep 15, 2016 | 3-Day 60-Mile Walk
The 3-Day Walk contributors are predictable – in a good way. No, make that a great way. Since 2003, when I first started asking for contributions for the 3-Day, 60-Mile Walk for the Cure, my contributors delivered. Now as I prepare for my 13th Walk, I should not be...
by Cathy Miller | Aug 26, 2016 | Miller Musings
This is dedicated to my sister-in-law, Robin Miller. This was originally posted on August 28, 2011, two days after her passing. Today on August 26, 2016, it has been five years since Robin left this earth. Her family and friends still remember her laugh, her love, and...
by Cathy Miller | Aug 5, 2016 | 3-Day 60-Mile Walk
Walking the Walk before the Walk. Sounds like a bit of double talk, doesn’t it? If you follow this blog, you know what I am referring to. The 3-Day Walk for the Cure. 2016 marks the 13th anniversary of the Susan G. Komen event. And my teammates and I were there...
by Cathy Miller | Jun 10, 2016 | 3-Day 60-Mile Walk
Few people would associate walking 60 miles in 3 days as lucky. Even fewer connect breast cancer with lucky. Yet talk with a breast cancer survivor and most will say just that. How lucky they are. Amazing. Simply amazing. Lucky #13 I dubbed my participation in this...