Fear is powerful.
- It makes us do things we wouldn’t do
- And stops us from doing things we should
Whether it’s your personal life or your business, I bet fear has thrown you a curve a time or two.
Here’s the secret to overcoming fear – baby steps.
On Baby-Baby
This past week, a theme repeated itself throughout comments I left on posts.
- I kept talking about baby steps
- Hello? Anyone home?
Do you think my inner child was trying to tell me something?
We all are procrastinators. When you stop long enough to ask yourself, Why, do you find it’s often based in fear?
- Fear of not being good enough
- Fear of failure
- Fear of the unknown
Too bad we can’t keep baby-like qualities. Adults get so screwed up.
- Adults think they have to go big or go home
- Adults can find more reasons not to do something
What do babies do?
Take baby steps.
Okay, so maybe their brains aren’t fully developed for reasoning, but sometimes that innocence is really refreshing.
- Babies don’t worry that they’re not good enough
- Babies don’t worry about failure
- Babies don’t fear the unknown
Play Time
What if we borrowed that innocence of a baby, added in a bit of adult reasoning that keeps us from jumping off building tops and just β
Take baby steps.
It’s like I said on one of those comments β
Baby steps have the same effect as leaping. They both get us started.
Hey, that’s good. Maybe I should write it down.
Better yet – just do it.
How about you? Taken any baby steps lately?
These are especially poignant words, Cathy, in light of Steve Jobs’ sad death yesterday. His Stanford commencement speech from 2005 pretty much echoed the same – we’ll all be a long time dead, so we shouldn’t let fear stop us from doing anything. You’re right too, often our procrastination is a cover-up for fear. Sure, we can dress it up however we like, but something is still scaring us! I think anyone who has stepped into the world of freelance writing in any shape or form has suffered fear at some point. It still stops me in my tracks now, but I have enough battery life in me to keep going (even if only slowly) when the generator stops temporarily! I just push myself a small step each time. I think admitting our fears is the first step to overcoming them. Burying them in the sand doesn’t help, but only hinders.
Hi Nicky: Thanks, it was indeed sad to hear of the death of such a brilliant innovator. I loved listening to him talk. Truly inspiring.
Bringing our fears into the light of day is definitely the 1st step. Thanks for sharing your poignant view, Nicky.
I would rather try like hell and fall on my face a lot than sit there wishing I had the courage to try.
Great post, Cathy.
Amen, Lori! Thanks for taking the baby step over to Comments. π
Hi Cathy!
You know fear is my favorite topic. It is our friend and an enemy. If we use fear the right way we can take on the world. If we let it take over us (like a baby can), it can dictate everything we do and don’t do. Your post is a great reminder that everything we have for facing our fears, we always had. Great post!
Hi Brandi! Nice to have you stopping by. π
Love this line everything we have for facing our fears, we always had. I might have to steal that – with full credit to you, of course, Brandi. π
Of course! I’d be honored if you used it. I probably “borrowed” it from somewhere too. =) Sorry I’ve been out of the loop. Been a busy bee writing this last week.
Brandi-we welcome you any time your schedule permits. π
Aw thanks Cathy! Still want to write something brilliant for your blog. π
You selling, I’m buying. π
It’s hard for many to imagine, but having fun, feeding your passions, and engaging your talents are simple steps that will take you to the bigger answers you seek. Excellent post Cathy.
Thank you for the nice words, Ramona, and sharing your comments.