Christmas Decorating: Finding the Ho-Ho-Ho

  ‘Twas the weekend of Christmas decorating for all through the house From inside and outside, without any spouse The boxes were carried from here to there I lost count of the trips, I did not care. ****** The room soon exploded with paper and such Made me...

50 Thanksgiving Gifts I Am Grateful For

I am borrowing this idea from my good writing friend, Anne Wayman. As we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the United States, I am sharing what I am most thankful for this year. My Thanksgiving Blessings My Mom – and her continued good health at age 88 My family...

Do Your Goals Need a Gut-Check

Do you ever feel that you are not doing enough? No matter how much you try, there is always someone who is doing it – Better Faster More often When did their goals become yours? Do you really know what it is you want? Your Gut-Check Goal There are endless...

More Project Runway Life Lessons

Last year I wrote a guest post for my writer buddy, Lori Widmer, Mondo Life Lessons from Project Runway. Although I am not a fan of “Reality TV,” I do appreciate those that showcase creativity. But, every once in a while, you get something more than a...

Baby Steps Take the Fear Out of Leaping

Fear is powerful. It makes us do things we wouldn’t do And stops us from doing things we should Whether it’s your personal life or your business, I bet fear has thrown you a curve a time or two. Here’s the secret to overcoming fear – baby...

A Brother’s Strength

The human spirit is truly amazing. I worried about my trip to my brother’s. He had lost his job. He had lost his house. And now he had lost his wife. Theirs was a love story interrupted. They parted ways before he went off to war – the war America scorned....