Guest Post: Freelancers Finding Serenity

Freelancing is a different world. Those of us who are freelancers have various reasons why we do what we do. I know I would be lost without my network of freelance writer buds – like my good friend, Lori Widmer. When I sent a request for guest posts while...

Baby Boomer Caught in the Middle

Maybe my birth order has something to do with it (middle child of seven). Or perhaps it was the era I was born into. “It” is the feeling of being caught in the middle But, I don’t mean that in a negative way In fact, in many ways, I find it a...

Doctor Doctor Give Me the News

Trust me, my next line is NOT ~ I’ve got a bad case of loving you. First, it’s horrible grammar Second, the doctor did not impress Healthy Impressions My good health (knock on wood) means I have a limited number of doctor’s visits. Annual physical...

Caught Between Dreams and Reality

Do you ever feel like you’re caught between dreams and reality? There’s the dreams from your childhood And those you are afraid to admit Reality blankets those dreams in silence. But, whose reality is it? Growing Up How many of us put aside our childhood...