Teaching an Old Lady New Tricks

This old lady believes every day is an opportunity to learn something new. However, some things we’d rather not know. While others are endlessly fascinating. Then there are those times that overwhelm. Lord knows I have had more than a few of those times with my...

Hello Hope, My Old Friend

Hello, Hope, my old friend. You have been missed. I’ve had sleepless nights, searching for you behind closed doors. Doors closed by hate, by cruelty, and a world I do not recognize. When despair did all it could to bring us down, you were there. Waiting. Never...

The #1 Lousy Thing About Getting Older

It started with a birthday. The sudden awareness of a date that had memories and pain gushing back. June 18 is the birth date of one of my dearest friends. Sadly, Sandy chose to leave this earth by her own hand. The passing of Robin Williams years ago prompted me to...

Why Do We Not Care About the Truth?

Did you see the movie, A Few Good Men? One of its more memorable scenes showed Jack Nicholson’s character screaming, “You can’t handle the truth.” Is that behind our acceptance of even the most outrageous claims circling around social media...

3 Good Things About Getting Older

Getting older has its downside. I tell everyone the most hated phrase in the English language is – as you get older… wounds heal more slowly. your muscles lose strength and flexibility. you are unable to do what you used to do. And on and on and on. Okay,...

Thanksgiving Thanks: The 2022 Version

I used to be better at documenting Thanksgiving thanks. But like so many facets of life, the annual task slid into thoughts of maybe next year. Despite the troubling last few years, there is much to give thanks for. So, let’s pick up Thanksgiving Thanks: The 2022...