If Perfection is Boring I Must Be Really Interesting

by | May 9, 2011 | Miller Musings | 0 comments

Do any of us feel perfect? If you do, I would like to meet you – or maybe not.

I know I am by no means perfect, but lately I struggle with being so darned human.

  • It must be a phase I’m going through
  • Who knew I would still have phases at my age?

An Imperfect World

I am a bona fide aficionado of famous quotes. Here is a favorite on perfection.

“When you aim for perfection, you discover it’s a moving target.” George Fisher

The funny thing about the quote is no one seems to know who the George Fisher is that said it. Go ahead – look. If you find out, let us know.

Even the internet is imperfect.

Whoever George is, it’s true – today’s perfection is tomorrow’s memory.

  • Our priorities change
  • Our interests move on
  • And Father Time takes up permanent residence

While the Gods Laugh

Once upon a time, not so long ago, I had a phenomenal memory. I mean scary good. Then my hormones grabbed it and ran away from home.

It took a while before I accepted my memory was not coming back. I knew I succeeded when I laughed in united sisterhood with Meryl Streep.

James Lipton of Inside the Actor’s Studio was interviewing Meryl. He made a comment that she was renowned for her ability to memorize volumes of script.

Meryl flicked her wrist and said –

“Ah, that was before menopause.”


I adjusted to my loss of memory. I have no problem making jokes about my baby boomer brain.

I have not adjusted to my loss of detail.

In past lives, I freaked people out with my attention to detail.

  • There wasn’t a typo I didn’t catch
  • My editing was second to none
  • I simply did not err

Oh, how times have changed – I can hear the gods laughing.

Who’s Perfect Now?

I have never been a Grammar Nazi. You know –

  • Those people who do not tolerate a single typo
  • Who think it is their life’s mission to rid the world of imperfection
  • And who pump their fist upon another discovery

So, why can’t I cut myself some slack?

I can’t tell you how I agonize over my typos or grammar faux pas. I hate that my proximity to perfect is the length of several football fields.

  • I know – get over yourself
  • I am trying

We tend to be so hard on ourselves.

One of my life’s goals is to free myself of judgment.

  • Why do we presume we know better?
  • I am not the measurement of what is right or wrong

Maybe it’s time I apply that value to my own life.

What can I say? I am a work in progress. How about you?

  • Do you find you apply a different standard to your own life?
  • Do you accept flaws from others better than you accept your own?

Maybe Winston Churchill said it best –

“They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practice makes perfect. I wish they’d make up their minds.”

BigStock Photo credit




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