October is breast cancer awareness month.
What better time to kick my 3-Day groveling into high gear?
If you are new to this blog, allow me to catch you up.
The Start of a Journey
Over 12 years ago, I received a call from my mom.
I was living in San Diego at the time. Mom called to tell me my older sister, Terry, had been diagnosed with breast cancer.
She did not want to worry us so she did not tell our mom until after the surgery and after the start of her chemotherapy.
The news was a kick in the rear. I had been saying for years that I wanted to walk in the 60-Mile 3-Day Walk for the Cure. Now, I had no excuses.
So began one of the most incredible journeys of my life.
Can’t Walk Away
On the very first Walk, I met three women who later would become part of a team of incredible women, all dedicated to kicking cancer to the curb.
Two of them (Sue and Penny) are breast cancer survivors and walked every walk – even two in one year. Incredible.
A third survivor, Martina, joined us several years ago.
- Our team has grown to 14 women
- 2013 marks the 10th anniversary of our Fight Like A Girl team
I never planned to walk beyond that first year. But, then each Fight Like A Girl teammate walked right into my heart. I am so blessed to have them in my life.
Team History
For a little fun, the attached video illustrates the connection of our Fight Like A Girl team.
Do you know the game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon?
The theory is that everyone is connected to actor, Kevin Bacon, by no more than six degrees of connection.
This video is our Fight Like A Girl version.
Groveling Alert
As a walker, I have to raise a minimum of $2,300 to participate in my 10th Walk.
I am so close.
- $2,055 raised so far
- $245 left to reach minimum
If you can help in any small way, click on my 3-Day picture in the sidebar or go to my personal donation page.
I want to thank all my contributors. Many of them have stuck with me over all 10 years.
You, too, hold a special place in my heart. Walk on.
Thank You Contributors!
- Ada Kersey
- Alan Sakal
- Anne Wayman
- Bruce Cutting
- Cindy Simmons
- Debbie Ressler
- Dyann Calder
- Harriet Rotter Bell
- Heather Woodruff
- Jan Shapard
- Jeffrey Friedli
- Joe & Elaine Conway
- John Kahle
- Judi & Joe DiMatteo
- Judy Craig
- Julie Ewert
- Ken Lautsch
- Kevin Miller
- Kim Lemon
- Laura Wiggins
- LaVerne Richards
- Linda Barney
- Lori Widmer
- Marina Angeles
- Marjorie Miller
- Marsha Lindbeck
- Mitchell Allen
- Nicky Parry
- Rachel Marturello
- Rita Wiggins
- Rosemary Lopez
- Sharon Hurley Hall
- Tammy Reed
- Vicky Richards
You’re a real inspiration Cathy, you and your group.
Thank you, Anne. I appreciate your ongoing support. Reserve some time for me in November. 🙂