San Francisco 3 Day’s Great Warm-up for San Diego

by | Sep 17, 2011 | 3-Day 60-Mile Walk | 14 comments


I spent the weekend of September 9th cheering on my Fight Like A Girl teammates who participated in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day, 60 Mile Walk for the Cure.

A couple of the crazy ladies are doing the San Diego 3-Day Walk with me in November – in addition to the San Francisco Walk.

If ever I needed a boost for training for my November Walk, the San Francisco Walk is just what the doctor ordered.

The San Francisco Stars

The San Francisco Walk boasted walkers of every size, shape, age and gender.

  • San Francisco raised $3.9 million
  • They had 1,500 walkers
  • And had 375 crew members

I loved all the “seasoned” walkers. You inspire me.

The San Francisco Fight Like A Girl teammates were fabulous – Diane, Jamie, Kristin, Lauren, Penny, Sue

  • There were two newbies – Lauren & Jamie
  • And only one small blister amongst the whole group
  • You rock!

Teammate, Julie, is unable to walk this year, but she joined me in the cheerleader role.

The City by the Bay

The weather totally cooperated and who wouldn’t love a Walk that includes crossing the Golden Gate Bridge?

The Walk ended on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Many of the walkers wore American flags, honoring the day.

After soon-to-be 8 Walks, you’d think it would be old hat for me, but it never is. There are always new stories of inspiration.

Next Stop – San Diego

As walkers, we need to raise a minimum of $2,300 to walk. I am slightly less than $1,000 short with two months to go.

If you can help – and no donation is too small – please click here or on the donate button in the right sidebar.

Also, send me the name(s) of loved ones who are battling cancer, are survivors or who you lost to cancer. I will wear their names on the Walk. They are the reason why we walk.

I’m so excited for my 8th Walk. Thank you to all my contributors and walk on!

Thank You Contributors!

  • Aaron Davis
  • Blue Shield of California – company gift match via Preddis Sullivan
  • Carol McCaffery
  • Debbie Ressler
  • Dianne & Steve Wingfield
  • Dyann Bartus Calder
  • Harriet Rotter Bell
  • Heather Woodruff
  • Jennifer Mattern
  • Joe & Elaine Conway
  • Julie Ewert
  • Kevin P. Miller
  • Kim Lemon
  • Laura Wiggins
  • Linda Barney
  • Lori Widmer
  • Nicky Parry
  • Preddis Sullivan
  • Rachel Marturello
  • Rita Wiggins
  • Suzanne Whitlock
  • Tammy Reed
  • Terri Parsons




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  1. Nicky Parry

    What a great team photo, Cathy! Thanks for sharing all the images from your SF trip. Very poignant that it finished up on September 11th – kind of nice to be able to pay a walking tribute in honor of the 10th anniversary of the attacks. I’m sure everyone was twice as geared up to keep fighting the fight then. Glad you all had a wonderful time out there.

    • Cathy

      Nicky: You are truly a blessing in my life. Thank you so much for the contribution, the support and the great idea for a RT. πŸ™‚

      San Francisco was fabulous. The walkers walked a mile in silence for the 9/11 families. The whole weekend was so inspiring and my teammates are very special. I haven’t laughed that much in a long time.

      Thank you again, Nicky. I am very appreciative.

  2. Harleena Singh

    This sure is a noble cause, and I hope and pray it turns out to be a great achievement for you and your wonderful friends Cathy.

    I lost my mom, Sonya, a few years back due to lung cancer. Wonder if you could just keep her in your thoughts while you are walking, as even a small thought would matter a lot.

    More than happy to spread the word around for such a great cause πŸ™‚

    • Cathy

      Leena-I am sorry for your loss, and would be honored to wear your Mom’s name on the Walk. We lost my Aunt to lung cancer. My sister, Terry, is a 10+year breast cancer survivor and the kick in the rear that got me off the couch and walking.

      Thank you for sharing my message. I do appreciate it.

      • Harleena Singh

        Thanks so very much for doing all this for everyone πŸ™‚

        • Cathy

          It is my honor, Leena. Thank you for your support. πŸ™‚

  3. Nicky Parry

    Aw, you’re welcome, Cathy! We have to get you to San Diego somehow πŸ™‚ Glad you had such a fabulous time in SF. By the way, I haven’t forgotten the medical white papers post – I know you likely don’t need it for a month or so – I’ll be away all next week at a meeting in Iowa, but will get right onto it when I’m home. That way you have it for whenever you want it.

    • Cathy

      Even if I have to stand on a street corner. πŸ™‚

      No rush, Nicky. Enjoy Iowa-I have family there-of course, I have family just about everywhere. πŸ™‚

  4. Kim Lemon

    Enjoyed the photos Cathy. So glad you could be there πŸ™‚

    • Cathy

      Me,too, Kim! πŸ™‚

  5. Ramiro Rodriguez

    Hi Cathy!

    I wouldn’t mind making a small donation but I don’t like filling out the form with my credit card info. Is there any way you can send me your PayPal address and I’ll donate that way?

    My little sister is an oncology nurse and I hear the stories and we watch her cry sometimes when one of her patients dies.

    • Cathy

      Ramiro: that is very generous of you. Thank you so much. I sent you the address.

      Bless your sister for her strength and all she does. That is certainly a tough career, but very special.

      Thank you again for the support, Ramiro. I really appreciate it!

  6. Lori

    Great bunch, Cathy. πŸ™‚

    • Cathy

      They are that and more, Lori. πŸ™‚ Thanks for stopping by.


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