My List of 50 Thanksgiving Thanks

by | Nov 27, 2013 | Miller Musings | 4 comments

bigstock_Thanksgiving_2068414This tradition of thanks was inspired by my good friend and writer buddy, Anne Wayman.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the United States, I am sharing what I am most thankful for this year.

My Thanksgiving Blessings

  1. Mom – And her continued good health as she turned 90 this year
  2. My family -I am so happy I was able to share Mom’s 90th with all my siblings and a sprinkling of niece, nephew, and grandniece. Each of you and our extended family is very much loved.
  3. My friends – Long-time friends of more years than this boomer brain can remember, my San Diego friends who take time to connect when I return each year for the 3-Day Walk for the Cure, and all my online friends who I hope to meet some day.
  4. My trio of trouble – Three ladies (and you know who you are) that I have never met in person, but who bring me more joy, falling-on-the-floor laughter, and endless support. I love you and our irreverent emails.
  5. My Fight Like A Girl teammates – We celebrated our 10th anniversary as a team. Our reunion in Lake Tahoe exceeded even my lofty expectations. You truly walked into my heart.
  6. My clients – My long-time clients I’ve had since I started, and the new ones I hope to have for many years to come. I thank you all for your business.
  7. 3-Day Walk for the Cure – Including all the crew, medics, volunteers and the incredibly supportive San Diego community. You make each Walk special, and I am thankful for each of you.
  8. Making it up the hills – This year was the first time in a few years I made it up those San Diego 3-Day hills without having to stop and pick up my lungs. Maybe things do get better with age.
  9. My health – I am thankful that despite some minor health issues this year, my good health helps me get up those hills.
  10. My MBT Sandals – They are getting harder and harder to find, but these sandals saved me from a blister-filled 60-mile, 3-Day Walk for the last several years. I don’t know what I am going to do when I can no longer find them.
  11. La Costa Spa – After a few years, my teammates and I finally got smart and started booking a day at La Cost Spa & Resort on the Monday following the 3-Day Walk. Massages, pool, Jacuzzi, spa cuisine – ah, heaven on earth.
  12. My walks – Each day I try to get out for a 5-6 mile walk. I am thankful when the weather permits those walks, and thankful for the incredible scenery, the animals along the routes (not so much the border collies that try to “herd” me), and the balance those walks bring to my life.
  13. Music – I love the focus, the peace, and sheer joy that music wafting through my headphones brings to me.
  14. Warm, fuzzy socks – These warm hugs help me transition from San Diego sunshine to Boise temperatures in the teens.
  15. My office view – No matter what the season, the view outside my office window is spectacular.
  16. The flowers – Outside that office window were flowers that would not die – no matter how much I neglected them. Geraniums, roses (unbelievably, there are still 2 buds – frozen – but still there), and tulips sleeping beneath the frozen ground.
  17. Comments – I didn’t realize how thankful I was for Comments on my blogs until they went way down this year. Since others appear to be having the same problem, I’m not taking it personally. That’s my story and I am sticking to it. But, thank you to all who continue to comment.
  18. About Writing Squared, Five Buck Forum – This site for writers is still the best (in my humble opinion). The forum has the most giving, supportive writers with all levels of background, interests, and experience. I am very thankful for its existence.
  19. Notre Dame Football – Although they couldn’t match their 12-0 season from last year, I appreciate the happiness they bring me (which I try to remember when they mess up).
  20. Sports, in general – Whether it’s the Fighting Irish, San Diego Chargers or LA Lakers, sports allows me to scream and shout without being arrested. At least so far.
  21. Techie guys who make house calls – I so appreciate someone who can come to my house, fix my techie problem, and not charge me an arm and a leg to do that. Thank you, Computer Stop, Inc.
  22. The ease of taking photos – Nothing like instant gratification from today’s photo-taking. I love how simple it has become.
  23. Books – the paper kind – I STILL love my paper books. eReaders may be great for traveling, but I still appreciate the feel of a real book in my hands.
  24. Positive thinking – I am so much happier when I look for the good in life. I hope I always seek the good inside us all.
  25. A shared smile – I love when I share a smile with someone who knows just what I’m thinking – no matter how wicked that may be.
  26. Laughter – Is there any better sound or feeling? Thank you for laughter.
  27. Silence – I appreciate the moments of silence when I can connect to what is truly important and shut out the noise that divides.
  28. Snoopy – How’s that for a transition? I love my Snoopy collection from my corporate days and the smiles it brings when I remember those who shared.
  29. Water – I love its simple, quenching relief. I love the sound of a babbling brook and the churning of the winter ocean.
  30. My own bed – I am thankful for its welcome home after weeks of sleeping somewhere else.
  31. Clean clothes – I so appreciate the scent and touch of clean clothes, especially after walking 60 miles in 3 days.
  32. Writing for me – I am thankful for the time carved out to write for me because I can.
  33. New words – There is always a word I did not know or a new meaning yet to be explored.
  34. Freedom – I am grateful for the freedom that freelancing allows, no matter how tough the challenges may be.
  35. Google – Say what you will about its latest algorithms, any company name that becomes a verb is pretty cool. I love how Google helps me learn.
  36. Simple – I embrace all that is simple. In my work and the life I lead.
  37. Unexpected mail – So few of us use a handwritten note or snail mail. Such a simple gesture that is appreciated so much. At least that’s how unexpected mail makes me feel.
  38. Spam filters – Thank the Lord for effective spam filters in the battle over unexpected email or spam that is neither welcomed nor appreciated.
  39. Coffee and morning paper – My morning ritual is endangered by the trouble in the newspaper industry, but I hope to have this start to my day for a long time to come.
  40. Our paper carrier, Karri – After a year or more of lousy service, I am so grateful to Karri who is never late and a delight to talk to when I am early enough to catch her as she drops off the paper.
  41. Good customer service – It’s sad that it is often unexpected, but isn’t it nice when you encounter good customer service?
  42. Christmas cactus – I am thankful that my Christmas cactus (1 of 2) actually bloomed for the first time in years.
  43. Neat junk – I have shared my sister’s term before for all the knic knacs, toys, and senseless but fun collections I have in my office, next to my chair in the family room, and wherever else I think to put them.
  44. Maxine – My Maxine calendar gets a special thanks as I tear off each daily sheet to start my day with a smile – and sometimes – laugh-out-loud guffaws.
  45. Reading glasses – I have one strength on my desk and others by my family room chair, bed, and in my purse. These cost-effective saviors of surgically-corrected boomer eyes are lifesavers.
  46. Cloud back-up – I love not having to worry about regular backups of my work. Cloud storage to the rescue. A baby boomer’s best friend.
  47. Blackberry brain – Although Blackberry looks destined for extinction, mine still supplements my boomer brain with gentle, chiming reminders.
  48. Good deals – My dad used to say, it’s not a good deal if you don’t need it. Practical, yes. But, don’t you just love a good deal? Needed or not? Sorry, Dad.
  49. Southernisms – And speaking of Dad, his expressions that I call his southernisms still resonate – in my writing and in my heart.
  50. Thanksgiving holiday – I think this is my favorite holiday. The day focuses on thankfulness and family, and is devoid of much of the commercialism that hits other holidays.

To keep this list somewhat manageable, I am cutting it off at 50. I am so blessed.

I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for being in my world.




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    • Cathy

      Oops-sorry I’m late 🙂 Hugs back, Anne!

  1. Lori

    I’m positive your irreverent friends love you, too. 🙂

    Love what your dad used to say. My dad says “You’ve saved so much, you can’t afford to save any more.” How true. 🙂

    I’m thankful for PCs. I realized when listening to a friend lament her latest Apple fiasco that I’ve gone years without a computer issue. I’m probably jinxing myself, but I’m rather thankful I saved money and went with what Bill Gates was pushing. 🙂 Also thankful for all the anti-spam, virus protection, and cloud storage that help ward off those crashes and keep my documents alive and well.

    • Cathy

      You are a brave, brave woman, Lori, to bring up the fact that you have had no computer issues. In writing, no less. 😉


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