The Lunacy of Labels

by | Jun 27, 2013 | Miller Musings | 0 comments

bigstock-EPS--Colorful-explosion-from-25048406We all do it – slap labels on people and personalities.

We even label ourselves. I have several.

  • Middle child of 7
  • Pollyanna
  • Boomer brain

Perhaps we need a sense of identity. A sense of belonging.

Some labels are fun, a little poke at ourselves. I enjoy my self-labeling.

The lunacy occurs when we fail to see the individual behind the label.

Recognizing Lunacy

The lunacy of labels is when we are hurtful. When we attempt to mask our own insecurities by labeling others in derogatory terms.

Have you noticed how labels are exposed for the lunacy they represent when they become personal?

  • A conservative legislator with a gay son or daughter stops opposing gay marriage
  • In a moment of crisis, the hand reaching out has a different color from our own

We recognize lunacy when we silence the insanity and accept the individual. When we connect one-on-one, and celebrate the beauty of uniqueness.

Without the unique qualities and characteristics we each offer, our world is a flower field of gray.

Recognize the lunacy and open the world to the vibrancy of color.




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