The 2023 3-Day Walk marked the 20th anniversary of my first meeting with the wonderful ladies who would become my teammates. We did not “officially” become a team until we had a few Walks under our feet.
On our 10th anniversary, we changed our name to the Pink Tahoe Ladies. Prior to that anniversary, we were known as Fight Like a Girl (before it became widely used then trademarked).
Although we have 16 team members, it was just teammate, Penny, and me for this anniversary. Who knew this Old Lady Walking would outlast the youngins’? 🙂

2023 3-Day Walk Times 2
Since the pandemic, it has just been Penny and me walking 60 miles in 3 days. But since Penny was the person who first invited me to join her and two soon-to-be teammates, it seems appropriate for our 20th anniversary.

Day One
The first day was fabulous. A really nice Opening ceremony where survivors and those living with breast cancer touched our hearts. I even made it up the Day 1 “hill,” Torrey Pines, without stopping.
Also, Penny and I became famous. 😉
Penny’s cousin sent screenshots of Penny and me on the local news station. A friend of mine also texted me. Was that you wearing a pink cape? Yep, that was me. I wear it for all of the REAL heroes – the ones we’ve lost, the survivors, and those facing this awful disease right now.
Day Two
Day 2 was another story. That day’s hill was a nightmare for me. Although it was more my stomach than the hill. Before starting my little chugging train self, I felt extremely nauseated. While I got up to the top, I had to stop several times due to nausea. I usually make it up without stopping.
After meeting Penny at the top, I decided I should stop by to see the medics. These volunteers are fabulous. The good news was all my vitals were good and after lying down for a while, I finished the 2nd day and 20 miles.
The medics thought I needed to drink more of the sports drinks. Hard to do on a nauseated stomach. But I think I may not have been doing as good in that department as I usually do because of a new water bottle I had. It had a wide mouth (great for filling up with ice).
The problem was I couldn’t drink it while walking unless I wanted to be wearing its content. 😀 So, I had to stop any time I wanted a drink, which I think contributed to me not drinking as much as I should.
Day Three
The great news is by Day 3, I felt great and finished all 60 miles. But the best news?
The San Diego 3-Day Walk raised $5.3 Million!!!
Post 3-Day Tumble
After our annual spa day massage, I was feeling fabulous (in so many ways). I dropped off my rental care and proceeded to the escalator with my luggage to catch the shuttle bus to the airport.
At the top of the escalator, my luggage got caught between two of the rising stairs and decided to push me out of the way. Both my luggage and I took a tumble down the escalator. Two guesses who ended up with the most damage. Hint: it’s the one with the legs.
Fortunately, a man who was about to step off the escalator rushed to turn it off. Long story short, I ended up with a multitude of injuries including:
- Numerous open wounds to my left shin
- Lacerations to my right knee along with instant swelling
- Cuts to the back of my left hand
- Bruises to my left shoulder, hip, thigh, and face
I’ll spare you the photos (my apologies to those who saw them on Facebook or Twitter -X). I am thankful it wasn’t much worse. Nearly three weeks after the accident, we are monitoring one deep would on my shin.
2023 3-Day Walk High Note
To end this on a high note, as always, I am most grateful for my incredibly supportive teammates, family, and friends who all contribute to this being an annual delight (even with the accident). I simply could not do this without you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! And, yes, (the good Lord willing), I will see you next year.
Walk on.