My good writing friend, Anne Wayman, inspired this annual Thanksgiving post.
As we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the United States, I am sharing what I am most thankful for this year.
My Thanksgiving Blessings
- My Mom – and her continued good health as she turns 90 in March
- My family – each and every one of you – you are my rock
- My friends – my long-time friends who are always there for me – my new online friends whose generosity and support are a reason to smile every day – and for the friends I have yet to meet
- My Fight Like A Girl teammates – on the heels of my 9th 3-Day Walk, I feel so blessed to have these beautiful ladies in my life – you mean everything to me
- My clients – without you, my dream is just that – I am thankful for your business
- 3-Day Walk for the Cure workers and volunteers – those who return year after year and those new to the event, but who are tireless in their cheering and support – you matter
- 3-Day paraphernalia – the pins, the buttons, the beads, Curei (the pink monkey – more to come), all the “neat junk” that makes 60 miles a walk in the park
- About Writing Squared Forum – this writing forum delivers far more value than the average writers’ forum – Anne and Lori are top-notch hosts and the community is the most generous, caring one I have ever come across
- The Blogging Mastermind Comment Tribe – what a great community of bloggers – it has been my pleasure to participate and meet such a diverse group – I thank you all
- My readers – you open my mind and help me keep it real – I thank you for that and more
- My vision – as impaired as it may be at the moment, I treasure more than ever this gift from God
- My faith -that brings me comfort and time for reflection to recognize how blessed I am
- Books – this lifetime love affair takes me places I’d never go and inspires me to live my dream
- MBTs – I am so thankful to have found my favorite sandals – hey, when walking 60 miles, it matters
- Fuzzy socks – I love my warm, fuzzy socks that embrace my feet during cold winter days
- San Diego community – those who have walked all 14 3-Day Walks for the Cure discover what I’ve known for some time – the San Diego community is awesome
- Boise living – I love the beauty of changing trees, the birds, cows, horses, goats, and llamas that line my walking route – a little slice of heaven right outside my door
- Office view – how could you not be inspired to see roses, geraniums, tulips, and blooming trees – beautiful
- My bed – after two weeks on the road and 60 miles of walking, my bed is a welcomed gift
- Sleep – sometimes elusive, there is nothing like a good night’s sleep
- ESPN – I love sports and the sports network catches me up on my teams
- Project Runway – I continue to love the creativity of designers – even though I could do with less drama, their talent is what I love to see
- The Food Network – I’m not sure what it says about me that I take so much writing inspiration from the Food Network, which brings me to my next gift
- Food – the variety, the taste, the texture – the hot-cooked meals my Mom prepares – still – love them – love Mom
- My Walks – I am thankful I discovered the value of putting my 5-6 mile walks at the top of my To Do list – every day
- Music – my day is not complete without the lilting sound of music that soothes, calms, inspires, rocks and encourages life
- Computers – despite the frustrations when they crash, I appreciate the gifts they provide
- Internet – my window on the world that educates, entertains, and shares so many gifts
- Social media – for all its craziness, the good side of social media builds relationships, reunites long-lost friends, and keeps family in touch when once that was lost
- Heat – the warm hug on a cold winter morning that silently does its job
- Electricity – something those touched by Sandy certainly appreciate, may I not take the power for granted
- Hugs – family embraces and people comfortable to hug and be hugged
- Laughter – may every day be blessed with laughter – if I don’t hear it, I’ll go looking for it or make it myself
- Newspaper – I still love my morning ritual of coffee and the newspaper – may this dying industry figure it out to keep it going
- Coffee – the aroma perks the senses awake and brings sounds of satisfaction to each morning
- My office – I love the view, the knic-knacs that add a personal touch, my L-shaped desk and my books of the trade
- Bread – you can have your sweets – bread is my Waterloo – harvest grain, sourdough, rye and more – I love bread
- Quotes – the words of others inspire, amuse, and are the cherry on top of the well-written word
- The ocean – after nearly 30 years living within blocks of the ocean, the blue waves are what I miss most and cherish when I return to its shores
- Dancing – although I stink at it, I love the uninhibited joy of dance – to watch and to spin in
- Morning quiet – the silent sound of morning is a kiss of possibility on a new day
- Breathing – the deep inhalation soothes and restores in the center of chaos and peace
- Memories – the catalog of life is ours to keep forever
- Creativity – the burst of energy that reminds us why we do what we do
- A good stretch – the rewarding reach to our fullest height
- Thanksgiving – the holiday, the reminder of thanks, the reason for this post
- Time – remembering its value, taking it, and enjoying all it has to offer
- Acceptance – remembering we are each unique and to cherish our differences
- Compromise – understanding the greater goal and coming together to make it happen
- Thank you – a simple sentiment that we all like to receive
There are so many other things to be thankful for, I could go on and on.
I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for being in my world.
Those are wonderful gifts, Cathy. Long may they last, especially your mom (my dad died a few weeks ago, and I told my mom to let’s not do anything like that for at least another 50 years).
I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your dad, David. You and your family are in my thoughts & prayers for a healing Thanksgiving full of good memories.
Thanks for stopping by.
Your beautiful gift of words has touched and inspired me.
Thank you, Cathy.
Thanks, Kim. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. 🙂
Nice, very nice Cathy. How are your feet! And thanks for the plugs
They are awesome! It was a fabulous weekend on the 3-Day Walk.
What a great list of things to be thankful for! I’ll add: My dog Lily, and a great homeowner’s insurance policy that’s literally got me head covered. (New roof, new siding, no hassles.)
Love it, Paula! I’m glad you’re covered. 😉
I’m thankful for friends like you, Cathy. 🙂
As I am for you, Lori. Every day. 🙂