A Brother’s Strength

by | Aug 31, 2011 | Miller Musings | 24 comments

The human spirit is truly amazing.

I worried about my trip to my brother’s.

He had lost his job.

He had lost his house.

And now he had lost his wife.

Theirs was a love story interrupted.

They parted ways before he went off to war – the war America scorned.

He came back to a silent nation that did not welcome their warriors home.

I don’t know how that may have changed him.

All I know is he came home to find his Robin.

He never had any doubt, though others may have.

And when a lesser man would pull away – when she became ill, my brother embraced her more.

Even when his life was shattered – a job gone, a dream home, faded away.

None of it mattered.

Because in his heart he had his Robin.

And now she was gone, too.

But, there was no anger.

There was no despair.

Because Martin held the key to it all.

Jobs are lost.

Homes are just a frame.

Love is what matters most.

And, that – no one can ever take away.

I love you, Martin. 

I love the man you’ve become. 



  1. Karla Campos

    I love this Cathy! Much love to you and your family : )

    • Cathy

      Thank you, Karla. We appreciate the support.

  2. Nicky Parry

    This brought tears to my eyes, Cathy. Another lovely tribute. They clearly had a love that Hollywood could only dream of. I’m glad they found each other. The rest of us can only dream about finding a Martin or a Robin.

    • Cathy

      It indeed was special. Thanks, Nicky, for your continued support. It is greatly appreciated.

  3. Sherrie Koretke

    What a beautiful tribute to your brother, Cathy. You are a wonderful sister!

    • Cathy

      Thank you, Sherrie, for the kind words.

  4. Evie

    Beautiful Cathy. It’s clear you love your brother very much and I’m so glad you shared with us.

    • Cathy

      Thank you, Evie. I do appreciate your kind words.

  5. Des

    Well said Aunt Cathy. Hugs.

    • Cathy

      Thanks, Des. Was glad to finally meet in person-although we all wish for a happier occasion. Hugs back.

  6. Kim Lemon

    Oh Cathy…I am rendered speechless – and totally moved. Proof – the pen truly is mightier than the sword. Thank you for sharing your gift. Blessings to you and your family.

    • Cathy

      Thanks, Kim. I am so glad we reconnected. You are special.

  7. Suerae Stein

    Beautifully said. So heartfelt and authentic. It made me cry. Your brother sounds like a very special man. Your tribute must mean the world to him. I’m so sorry for his (and your) loss of Robin. Thank you for sharing your story. ~ Suerae

    • Cathy

      Thank you, Suerare, for the kind words. They are greatly appreciated.

  8. Ryan Biddulph

    Hi Cathy,

    Wonderful inspiration here!

    Love conquers all. No matter what we face in life, if we have love for life, for all things which come our way, we get through all the invariable losses we experience.

    Thanks for sharing with us!


    • Cathy

      You are so right, Ryan. Love does conquer all. Thank you for stopping by.

  9. Larry Lewis

    My life is devoted to the memory of my sister who this month will have been gone 10 years. I read this and think how wonderful it is to see some one so proud of their brother. And reading about your brother what a fantastic attitude he has and i hope things improve for you all

    • Cathy

      Larry: Thank you for sharing about your sister and for the kind words. I appreciate you taking the time. Peace to you and your loved ones.

  10. John Soares

    Cathy, this is such a moving tribute to your brother and the memory of his wife. It’s a reminder to me to live life fully and to love completely. Thank you.

    • Cathy

      Thank you, John. It is certainly something we can all benefit from. I appreciate your kind words.

  11. Clint Forester

    Wow Cathywhat a tribute. Was talking to Aunt Margie and told me about the tribute… What a blessing to have strength and support of a loving family…

    Love to all my Miller Cousins and special thought and prayers to Martin and his kids.

    Love you


    • Cathy

      Hi Clint-thanks for stopping by. I was really amazed at the strength Martin shows, under the circumstances. It is inspiring. I appreciate your comments.

      Love you back, Cathy

  12. Lori

    Cathy, I feel like a voyeur reading this – it’s so personal and so real. What a beautiful piece of writing.

    • Cathy

      Hi Lori-I’m usually pretty private (believe it or not), and debated about posting it. But, I was so impressed by my brother that I just wanted to share that pride.

      Thanks for the nice words, Lori.


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