Raining Down on Life

I sit at my desk and watch the leaves raining down outside my office window. What once was green turned vibrant red and gold, and now leap to the ground in brown surrender. So many changes in so little time. And doesn’t life seem that way at times? Choosing Life...

How We Made Tahoe Pink

As some of you know, my Fight Like A Girl team, who walk in the 3-Day Walk for the Cure, celebrated out 10-year anniversary. We celebrated in style at one of our teammate’s beautiful home in Lake Tahoe. We had a mission to Make Tahoe Pink. The short video is...

Idaho Statesman Goes Pink

How cool is this? The Boise newspaper has gone pink. This morning as I walked out to get the paper, I knew it was going to be a bit different. Each year, in recognition of October Breast Cancer Awareness, the Idaho Statesman goes pink. From cover to cover, the pages...

October Signals the Start of Groveling

October is breast cancer awareness month. What better time to kick my 3-Day groveling into high gear? If you are new to this blog, allow me to catch you up. The Start of a Journey Over 12 years ago, I received a call from my mom. I was living in San Diego at the time....