by Cathy Miller | Feb 11, 2023 | Blogs-Chats
Imagine an organization forming with a goal of extinction. What startup do you know that hopes one day to go away? Yet that is what Mission Equality would love to happen. To live in a world that has the kind of equality leadership that makes the unique services of...
by Cathy Miller | Dec 4, 2022 | 3-Day 60-Mile Walk
My 19th 3-Day, 60-Mile Walk for the Cure was fabulous. Until that other C word entered the picture. No not cancer (the worst C word ever!) but COVID. Mom and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. By Friday, I thought I had the start of a cold. When Mom started exhibiting...
by Cathy Miller | Nov 24, 2022 | Miller Musings
I used to be better at documenting Thanksgiving thanks. But like so many facets of life, the annual task slid into thoughts of maybe next year. Despite the troubling last few years, there is much to give thanks for. So, let’s pick up Thanksgiving Thanks: The 2022...
by Cathy Miller | Sep 29, 2022 | Book Reviews: Non-Fiction
Sharon Hurley Hall’s I’m Tired of Racism: True Stories of Existing While Black launches October 1, 2022. When Sharon asked if I wanted an advance copy for review, I jumped at the opportunity. I also pre-ordered the book. Sharon is one of my writing heroes....
by Cathy Miller | Sep 9, 2022 | 3-Day 60-Mile Walk
Like cooler temperatures signal Fall is lurking, a new post here is the sign the next 3-Day Walk is approaching. As I write this, that little 60-mile stroll is only 70 days away. This will be Walk #19 for this Old Lady Walking. 2022 3-Day Walk San Diego 3-Day This...