What Do You Make Time For?

Some call it work-life balance. Others simply call it priorities. Whatever your term, there are fundamental moments we should grab as our own. What do you make time for? What makes you smile? What do you miss when you don’t have it? What defines your happiness?...

When Did Rudeness Become Okay?

  Where is Emily Post when you need her? For those of you who do not know who she is, Emily Post was a writer best known for delivering advice on etiquette and good manners. Although she passed away in 1960, her family and legacy lives on at the Emily Post...

Are You Teetering on Work/Life Balance?

In my corporate days, there was a term I’d come to hate – work/life balance. It wasn’t that the concept was a bad idea It simply was so far from reality to be trite I was not alone in my feelings. As I burned the midnight oil, more than one coworker...

Recognition Lost: A Holiday Birthday Story

  One of my cousins has his birthday on Christmas Eve. At first glance, that might sound like a cool thing. But, consider this – His birthday gets lost in the holiday rush He often receives one present for both days I don’t want you to think he’s the...