by Cathy Miller | Jul 14, 2015 | Miller Musings
Words are as simple and complex as human beings. Like humans, words change. Sometimes into unrecognizable forms. That makes words endlessly fascinating. And fun to play with. At least for me. That is one of the reasons I love word prompt site, Creative Copy Challenge....
by Cathy Miller | Jul 2, 2015 | Creative Writing
Introducing a tetrad of Creative Copy Challenge goodies. Check out #389 and #390. Trying to stump us by upping the game. Bring it! CCC is a word prompt site. The challenge words are in bold. Enjoy! (By the way – tetrad is a group or set of four). Creative Copy...
by Cathy Miller | Jun 18, 2015 | Miller Musings
For all that is annoying about Facebook, I do love the connection with family and friends. I love the feel-good videos and the laugh-out-loud shares. Today I saw a share from my cousin, Jay. It had a picture of a blue rose. It read: This rose is for my Dad in Heaven....
by Cathy Miller | Jun 2, 2015 | Creative Writing
From diminished glow to fantasy, word prompt site, Creative Copy Challenge, exposes the kaleidoscope of emotion. Either that or the strange inner workings of my mind. Always a scary adventure. Here are the latest submissions. I hope you enjoy them and why don’t...
by Cathy Miller | May 21, 2015 | Creative Writing
This week’s challenge from word prompt site, Creative Copy Challenge, is a gauntlet of a different type. I love the journey through these words. I never know where they will lead. The challenge words are in bold. Creative Copy Challenge #384 The denim stretched...
by Cathy Miller | May 15, 2015 | Creative Writing
One of the experiences I love best about Creative Copy Challenge is I never know where the words will take me. The word prompt site has a weekly serving of 10 words or phrases. The challenge is using them in some creative post. I’ve used the site to explore a...