Lessons Learned from Living With a 93-Year-Old

by | Mar 11, 2016 | Miller Musings | 10 comments

MumsyToday is my mom’s 93rd birthday. I am ecstatic to say she is extremely healthy. She’ll probably outlive me.

After my dad passed away, I moved from San Diego to my mom’s home. She has an acre of land and there is plenty of tasks a 93-year-old should not have to do.

It was about a year after I started my own business offering business writing services. It also was one of the worst economic times here in the United States. So, while I hate the overused term (and I call myself a writer!), it was a win-win for both of us.

Although my mom is not what I would call a typical 93-year-old, I thought I’d share lessons I’ve learned from living with someone more senior than me.

Lessons Learned

  1. Family light up her life with a call, email or snail mail card.
  2. She misses Dad every day and speaks to him often.
  3. She has the incredible memory I used to have.
  4. She puts up with my boomer brain.
  5. She loves her computer – except when it’s slow.
  6. She never makes a typo – it’s the stupid computer.
  7. She loves sending e-cards.
  8. She takes pride in the number of grand and great-grandchildren she has.
  9. Notre Dame sports teams can do no wrong – no matter what referees may think.
  10. If Notre Dame isn’t playing, she’s fine watching other teams.
  11. But, no one beats Notre Dame.
  12. She has more ND paraphernalia than the average fan.
  13. She wears the same “lucky” ND shirt, pants & socks for every football game.
  14. She has never met a baby she didn’t love.
  15. Buying little gifts makes her happy.
  16. Thanks-yous make her even happier.
  17. She loves to drive – and is still good at it.
  18. People prey on seniors in an incredible number of bogus calls.
  19. She absolutely cannot let a phone call go to voice mail.
  20. Sometimes even when she is pretty sure it’s a scammer.
  21. She loves seeing her friends at church.
  22. But you better not take her pew.
  23. She has me light candles every week.
  24. Companies who package goods have never lived with a senior citizen.
  25. Fort Knox is easier to get into.
  26. Pharmacies continue to use child-safety caps.
  27. Signed waivers, repeated phone calls do not help.
  28. Medicare could not be any more confusing – for anyone, much less seniors.
  29. She has a sweet tooth to rival her mother’s.
  30. And a body that does not show it.
  31. She loves her lunches with friends.
  32. And our Sunday breakfasts out.
  33. Cheesecake Factory is her go-to place.
  34. She is still a fantastic cook.
  35. And she prepares hot meals for lunch – for which I’m eternally grateful.
  36. She still plants her geraniums in Spring.
  37. And loves each and every holiday.
  38. Christmas is a favorite.
  39. She loves San Diego and would choose that over Maui.
  40. The plane ride to Maui is just too darn long.
  41. She loves her books – romance is on top.
  42. And gets mad when they bump her favorite TV shows.
  43. She amazes her doctors.
  44. Especially her orthopedic surgeon who is retiring.
  45. She has two knee replacements.
  46. The last one done when she was in her late 80s.
  47. She is passionate in her beliefs.
  48. And she’ll let you know it.
  49. She loves her family.
  50. And we love her right back.

I am sure there are many more lessons learned – and hopefully many more to come.

Happy birthday, Mom!




  1. Anne Wayman

    Yes, Happy Birthday Cathy’s mom! What a wonderful daughter you raised. And what a great role model you are!

    • Cathy Miller

      Aw, shucks, Anne. πŸ˜‰ I’ll pass along your birthday wishes. πŸ™‚

  2. Paula Hendrickson

    I hope your mom has her best birthday yet – and many more to come!

    So, when’s her book about leading a happy, healthy, humor-filled life coming out?

    She probably won’t even need her ghost-writer daughter’s help….unless the darn computer starts making typos.

    • Cathy Miller

      LOL! πŸ˜€ Thanks, Paula. Her mother lived to 90 and my paternal grandmother lived to 96. So you may be stuck with me for a while. πŸ˜‰

  3. Dyann

    I cannot wait to read this to my mom tomorrow. She is only 87 and will get a jolt from your mom’s positive attitude. They are kindred spirits. And even though my mom supports the other blue and gold school (well, maize), she always roots for Notre Dame when Michigan is not the opposing team. Your mom raised an incredible person. You are part of the reason for her longevity girl! Hugs to Both of you and happy birthday.


    • Cathy Miller

      Thanks, Dyann. I appreciate the kind words and wish you & your mom continued good health. I think those sports teams (even Michigan) πŸ˜‰ help keep both our moms young – although the massacre of ND by North Carolina yesterday sure didn’t help. And on mom’s birthday, no less! πŸ˜‰

      Thanks again, Dyann.

  4. Sharon Hurley Hall

    Happy belated birthday, Cathy’s Mom (and thanks for sharing your lovely daughter with us). πŸ™‚

    • Cathy Miller

      Aw, thanks, Sharon. Who knew I’d be receiving such nice compliments, too? πŸ˜‰

  5. Lori

    I love your mom. πŸ™‚

    #24 — Agreed. My dad is so arthritic he couldn’t possibly open an envelope without help. Blister packs? Forget it.

    • Cathy Miller

      Me, too, Lori. πŸ™‚ And #24 is going to get to all of us sooner or later unless someone figures out it doesn’t need to be so difficult.


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