Put My 3-Day Feet to the Fire

by | Apr 13, 2011 | 3-Day 60-Mile Walk | 2 comments

How appropriate to have “feet” in the headline for a post about a 3-Day, 60-mile walk.

For those of you who don’t know me, I am an ardent supporter of the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure. I am participating as a walker in my 8th event.

I want to write an eBook about the previous 7 walks for a few reasons.

  • To help raise at least the minimum ($2,300) required for participation
  • To get my first eBook as a writer off the ground

Out of the Frying Pan

As a business owner, I have a tendency to put my personal writing on the back burner. That’s why I’m asking you to help hold me accountable for finishing the eBook.

I figured since this is a cause near and dear to my heart, it would be a great motivator. After all, it’s about a cure for cancer.

Okay, so my eBook probably won’t cure cancer

but it’s little eHeart is in the right place.

A Month of Maybe

The plan is to get the eBook released in May. It might be May 31, but May is the target.

Here’ your job –

  • Ask me How’s the book going?
  • Nag me when I need nagging
  • Remind me about the Cause
  • Boot me in the derrière

See, you have the fun part.

If you REALLY want to motivate me – click on the donation button in the right sidebar.

You didn’t think you would escape without one plea for donations, did you? Hey, it’s for a great cause.

I really do appreciate it. Remind me of that when I complain about your nagging.



BigStock Photo Credit


T-shirt that says Old is a 4-letter word

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  1. Ryan Biddulph

    As long as you keep reminding us Cathy, I’ll be happy to check up on you 😉 Thanks for sharing!


  2. Cathy

    Hi Ryan-had to take you out of the spam folder. 🙂

    I appreciate you creating a better way of saying nagging. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, and we’ll see about those reminders. 😉


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