Thanksgiving Thanks for 2015

by | Nov 26, 2015 | Miller Musings | 4 comments

bigstock_Thanksgiving_2068414How did we arrive at Thanksgiving so quickly?

As in past years, I borrow this tradition from my good friend and writer buddy, Anne Wayman.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the United States, I share my 2015 Thanksgiving Thanks list. Pardon my stream of consciousness list. It’s how my mind rolls.

I could go on and on forever as I am truly blessed.

Thanksgiving Thanks 2015

  1. My mom’s health – 92 and still going strong. I am thankful God blessed Mom with good health.
  2. My health – Knock on wood, my health is also going strong. My lab results for my annual physical keep getting better and better. I love freelancing. 🙂
  3. My family – One of my four brothers retired and another is due to soon. That’s three family members (including my MUCH younger sister) who are retired. How did this happen? Last year, we welcomed another new grand-niece. We never lack for new family members.
  4. My family’s health – We had challenges (like my uncle who is recovering from being hit by a car while riding his bicycle or my sister-in-law and her heart issues). However, we are still here and each day is a blessing. I pray for good health for all my family.
  5. My 3-Day teammates – We had our smallest team (ultimately three of us) this year for the 2015 3-Day Walk for the Cure. In total, we have 15 members. Each holds a special place in my heart. One of our younger teammates was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. We keep her in our thoughts & prayers. This is why we walk. As long as cancer is not done, neither am I.
  6. My friend, Linda – I am thankful my friend of nearly 40 years (we met at five months) 😉 has completed her radiation treatment just in time for Thanksgiving. I am grateful for her generous sharing of her home every time I return to my beloved San Diego. I wish Linda good health as she continues her fight against breast cancer. Yet one more reason to walk 60 miles in 3 days.
  7. My clients – I am thankful for the clients I have and the clients who are yet to be. Thank you for sharing your passions, your professionalism – and oh, the money’s not so bad either. 😉
  8. My readers – One of the best perks of our online world is all the people you meet. We have opened the world to discover how many really good people there are in the world and I am eternally grateful for the privilege. Thank you to each reader who has taken the time to read my stuff. 🙂
  9. My freelance trio – Speaking of online connections, I cannot express how much my freelance trio means to me (and I call myself a writer). They are so much more than colleagues. They make me laugh – a lot – they keep me sane – as much as that’s possible – and they generously share their lives. Thank you, ladies! 🙂
  10. My many friends – No matter if they are virtual connections or long-time friends I met before God invented computers, I thank my friends for their support, their uniqueness, and their loyalty.
  11. My lunch with Anne – I am so happy another tradition is my annual lunch with Anne when I return for the latest 3-Day Walk for the Cure. I admire how much Anne cares and works toward a better life for us all.
  12. My 2015 masseuse at LaCosta Resort & Spa– I seem to be full of traditions. When you reach my age, that’s probably typical. It took my teammates and I to figure out that a massage after walking 60 miles in 3 days was a great idea. This year I had an excellent masseuse who offered homeopathic treatments for my abused ankle. She even provided a poultice sample for my use.
  13. The San Diego community – Each year this community supports 3-Day walkers in an unbelievable fashion. You’d think they would get bored of seeing over 2,000 pink-clad walkers tromping though their city year after year. Yet every year they cheer. They offer food, water, trinkets, and more. It is uplifting when we need it the most. So thank you.
  14. The 3-Day crew & volunteers – These giving people are right up there with the San Diego community. Some are from San Diego. Some fly in from other cities. One trait they all share is their overwhelming giving of their time, their smiles, and their encouragement. They simply rock!
  15. My blister-free, toenails-intact 3-Day Walks – I am knocking on wood, but I am eternally grateful that for several years in a row that I did not suffer the blister-filled/lost toenails walks of the past. And my next two on the list are a big reason why.
  16. My MBTs – These funny, curved bottom sandals have brought me much angst.  Primarily due to the company’s bankruptcy that caused many challenges in keeping my feet in MBTs. The USA site is back. I’m concerned about design changes (leather?!) but for now I am truly thankful for the day I discovered them.
  17. My Balega socks – These are great socks. They keep my feet dry and chase any thought of blisters away. And they come in shocking pink! 🙂
  18. My regular walks– I am thankful for my routine of 6-7 mile walks at least 5 days a week. It clears my minds and reminds me of how truly blessed I am. Winter challenges me. I so hate mall-walking but I am determined to keep it up.
  19. My new tracker – I had a bit of a rough start with my new Fitbit Tracker but I gave it a real workout on the 3-Day Walk (a weekly total of over 220,000 steps and nearly 100 miles). The real challenge will be the winter months, which is one of the main reasons I purchased it. I want a nagging nudge to get in at least 10,000 steps.
  20. My office view – My office view continues to inspire, delight, and calm. That’s a pretty powerful combination. Right now I am watching the season’s first snowfall.
  21. My colleagues at Anne’s forum -Thank goodness for my writer buddies at Anne’s About Writing Squared Forum. They provide accountability (to keep me on track – a formidable challenge) and are so generous with sharing their skills and knowledge. They make my work so much simpler in so many ways. Thank you all.
  22. Books, books, and more books – I am sure you will not be shocked to learn that I love books. What writer doesn’t? Books are my number one form of entertainment. I go to bed early to have an hour or two of reading before turning out the light. I am so thankful for the many talented writers who have entertained me through their gifts of books.
  23. The holiday season – I love holidays, particularly Halloween.  Holidays bring out the child and center me on the important things in life like family and giving (and not just the gift-giving kind).
  24. My 3-Day contributors – I have to raise a minimum of $2,300 every year to participate in the 3-Day Walk for the Cure. I know. What crazy person raises money to walk 60 miles in 3 days? Apparently, this crazy person. I am humbled by the generosity of my contributors and touched by their personal stories of loss and triumph over the wretched disease known as cancer. Walk on.
  25. Laughter – A day without laughter is like a balloon with no air. Laughter shapes my day to appreciate life and all it has to offer. When you release it, your heart waits for it to be filled once more by the contagious sound. I am thankful for shared laughter.
  26. Sports -I admit it. I’m a sports nut. I like sports in all shapes and sizes. Unlike my mom who can watch teams she barely knows, I do have to be a fan of the teams I watch. I am thankful for all things Notre Dame that allows me to share so many good times with family members and the proud Irish fans. I love the San Diego Chargers, as painful as that is this year, although not nearly as painful as the LA Lakers. I love the USA women’s soccer team and so many more. Thank you for all the fun (and even the heart ache).
  27. My work clothes -One of the best things about freelancing is the freedom to wear comfy clothes. I’m not an all-day p.j. wearer but I do love my sweatshirts and tees and warm, fuzzy socks in the winter and bare toes in the summer.
  28. My computer glasses– I have a few vision problems (like a damaged right cornea). I told my ophthalmologist the computer is my life. He suggested I get computer glasses. They help with the short distance to the computer, and make teeny, tiny printed reading legible. They even work if I glance across the room. No more peering over the top of reading glasses.
  29. Kali-sitting – my sister and brother-in-law have the most adorable white miniature schnauzer. Her name is Kali. When they take vacations, Mom and I dog-sit. She is an absolute delight. Brings a lot of that laughter and many, many smiles.
  30. Each and every day – I am thankful each day – even when the techie gremlins rear their ugly heads. Every item on this list reminds me of that. As do all the items I’ve missed. Life ain’t so bad.

I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for joining me in this journey.




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    • Cathy Miller

      Thank you, Roy. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Continued blessings.

  1. Anne Wayman

    You’re on my list as well!

    • Cathy Miller

      Great minds. 🙂 Thanks, Anne, and Happy Thanksgiving!


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